ワカバヤシ ヒデタカ   Wakabayashi Hidetaka
  若林 秀隆
   所属   医学部 医学科(東京女子医科大学病院)
   職種   教授・基幹分野長
論文種別 総説
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Psychological aspects of rehabilitation nutrition: A position paper by the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Nutrition (secondary publication).
掲載誌名 正式名:Journal of general and family medicine
略  称:J Gen Fam Med
巻・号・頁 25(1),pp.1-9
著者・共著者 Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Mori Takashi, Nishioka Shinta, Maeda Keisuke, Yoshimura Yoshihiro, Iida Yuki, Shiraishi Ai, Fujiwara Dai
担当区分 筆頭著者,責任著者
発行年月 2024/01
概要 Psychological aspects of rehabilitation nutrition affect physical, cognitive, and social rehabilitation nutrition. When depression is recognized, not only pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, but also non-pharmacological therapies such as exercise, nutrition, psychosocial, and other interventions can be expected to improve depression. Therefore, accurate diagnosis and intervention without overlooking depression is important. Psychological aspects of preventive rehabilitation nutrition is also important because depression can be partially prevented by appropriate exercise and nutritional management. Even in the absence of psychological negatives, increasing more psychological positives from a positive psychology perspective can be useful for both patients and healthcare professionals. Positive rehabilitation nutrition interventions can increase more psychological positives, such as well-being, through cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness on their own, as well as through interventions on environmental factors. Consequently, physical, cognitive, and social positives are also expected to be enhanced.
DOI 10.1002/jgf2.668
PMID 38240004