Department   Graduate School of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medical Science
   Position   Professor
Article types Original article
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title The actual status of drug prices and adjustment factors for drug price calculation: an analysis of ultra-orphan drug development in Japan
Journal Formal name:Orphanet journal of rare diseases
ISSN code:17501172
Domestic / ForeginForegin
Volume, Issue, Page 17(1),pp.408
Author and coauthor KAWAKAMI Akihiko†, MASAMUNE Ken
Publication date 2022/11/09
Summary BACKGROUND: Extremely high prices facilitate drug development for ultra-rare diseases (ultra-orphan drugs). However, various problems arise in terms of healthcare financing and fairness, and the status of ultra-orphan drug pricing remains ambiguous. In this study, we investigated ultra-orphan drug prices in Japan relative to that of other drugs. We examined the relationship between annual expected drug prices and expected sales, and the expected number of patients, for 393 drugs containing new active ingredients for therapeutic use that were listed on the National Health Insurance drug price list in Japan between April 16, 2010 and August 26, 2020. In addition, we compared prices, the drug price calculation method, and price calculation adjustment factors for ultra-orphan and other drugs. RESULTS: Drug prices tended to increase as the expected number of patients to whom the drug was administered decreased; however, this trend diminished when the expected number of patients was less than 1000. On the other hand, the expected sales tended to decrease as the number of expected patients decreased, and this tendency was reinforced when the expected number of patients was less than 1000. The cost accounting method tended to be used for the price calculation of ultra-orphan drugs, but there were no price differences based on the drug price calculation method. Regarding the price calculation adjustment factors, the premium for usefulness tended to be higher for ultra-orphan drugs. The premium for marketability was higher for non-orphan drugs but did not differ from that for orphan drugs, except for ultra-orphan drugs.
DOI 10.1186/s13023-022-02526-z
PMID 36348359