Department   Graduate School of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medical Science
   Position   Professor
Article types Original article
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Clinical Evaluation of a New Touchless Interface That Uses Hand-gestures and Voice Operation Named "Opect3D" in Cerebral Blood Vessel Cases
Journal Formal name:Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal
ISSN code:24326186
Domestic / ForeginDomestic
Publisher Society of Tokyo Women's Medical University
Volume, Issue, Page 4,pp.44-51
Author and coauthor CHIBA Shinji†, YOSHIMITSU Kitaro, ISHIKAWA Tatsuya, MASAMUNE Ken, HORISE Yuki, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro
Publication date 2020/12/25
Summary Background: In neurovascular therapy, normally surgeons directly instruct a radiologist to operate a computer on their behalf to maintain sterility in the operative field when reconfirming medical images. This process, however, takes time and causes psychological burden.
Methods: A touchless interface operated by hand-gestures and voice named "Opect3D" was developed to resolve the above issues. Initially, the Opect3D and conventional verbal communication were compared preclinically. The operation time for deciding the rotation angle and the angular difference against the targeted position were measured and calculated, respectively. Afterwards, Opect3D was utilized in unruptured cerebral aneurysms and the usefulness and psychological burden were surveyed.
DOI 10.24488/twmuj.2020001