Department   Graduate School of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medical Science
   Position   Professor
Article types Original article
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Pseudo-"blindsight" under exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields
Journal Formal name:Journal of Applied Physics
Domestic / ForeginForegin
Volume, Issue, Page 115(17),pp.E311
Author and coauthor NAKAGAWA Hidenori†, MASAMUNE Ken, KOTANI Makoto, UENO Shoogo
Publication date 2014/04
Summary To show distinct evidence of the pseudo-blindsight caused by electromagnetic stimulations in order to reveal a cure for lost visual functions, it is necessary to investigate the differences from the usual optic pathway in terms of the data processing route from the electromagnetically stimulated retina. For elucidating the scheme of phosphenes like blindsight, we designed a new stimulus coil system and measured the hemodynamic responses in the occipital regions during the stimulations, employing a functional brain-imaging technique. Results showed the possibility that the phosphene as a pseudo-blindsight induces activation of a parietal association area by an alternate route without the primary visual cortex and can be expected as therapy for lost visual functions.
DOI 10.1063/1.4866847