TAKITA Morichika
   Department   School of Medicine, School of Medicine
   Position   Assistant Professor
Article types Original article
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Lung Tumor Cell Recruitment Assay.
Journal Formal name:Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE
Abbreviation:J Vis Exp
ISSN code:1940-087X/1940-087X
Domestic / ForeginForegin
Volume, Issue, Page (144),pp.e53172
Author and coauthor Tomita Takeshi, Ieguchi Katsuaki, Deguchi Atsuko, Takita Morichika, Tsukahara Fujiko, Hiratsuka Sachie, Maru Yoshiro
Publication date 2019/02
Summary To investigate the molecular mechanisms governing tumor metastasis, various assays using the mouse as a model animal have been proposed. Here, we demonstrate a simple assay to evaluate tumor cell extravasation or micrometastasis. In this assay, tumor cells were injected through the tail vein, and after a short period, the lungs were dissected and digested to count the accumulated labeled tumor cells. This assay skips the initial step of primary tumor invasion into the blood vessel and facilitates the study of events in the distant organ where tumor metastasis occurs. The number of cells injected into the blood vessel can be optimized to observe a limited number of metastases. It has been reported that stromal cells in the distant organ contribute to metastasis. Thus, this assay could be a useful tool to explore potential therapeutic drugs or devices for prevention of tumor metastasis.
DOI 10.3791/53172
PMID 30882774
URL for researchmap https://www.jove.com/t/53172/lung-tumor-cell-recruitment-assay