タキタ モリチカ   TAKITA Morichika
  瀧田 守親
   所属   医学部 医学科
   職種   助教
論文種別 原著
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Capsaicin, a ligand for vanilloid receptor-1, transduces suppressive signal for osteoclast differentiation in bone.
掲載誌名 正式名:Journal of Health Science
略  称:J. Health Sci.
出版社 Pharmaceutical Society of JAPAN
巻・号・頁 53(2),pp.240-244
著者・共著者 Takita Morichika†, Inada Masaki, Miyaura Chisato*
担当区分 筆頭著者
発行年月 2007/04
概要 Vanilloid receptor-1 (VR1) has been reported to exhibit multiple functions which can transduce pain-sensitive signals in nerve systems. A VR1 ligand, capsaicin has been reported to show activities against inflammation and cancer growth, however, its role in bone metabolism is still unknown. Here we examined the effect of capsaicin on cytokine-induced inflammatory bone resorption. Capsaicin suppressed interleukin-1-induced bone resorption in mouse calvarial organ ex vivo culture in a dose-dependent manner. An assay using cocultures of osteoblast and bone marrow cells clearly showed the inhibition of osteoclast formation by treatment with capsaicin. Receptor activator of NF-kB ligandRANKL (RANKL), the sole inducer of osteoclast formation, is known to be produced by osteoblasts. In the cocultures of bone marrow cells and osteoblasts, the expression of RANKL was suppressed by capsaicin. VR1 showed expression predominantly in osteoblast, suggesting that capsaicin directly modulates osteoclast differentiation through the suppression of RANKL expression. VR1 ligands like capsaicin have the potential for use as clinical drugs targeting some bone diseases involving cytokine-induced bone resorption.
DOI http://doi.org/10.1248/jhs.53.240