OOSAKA Toshifumi
   Department   School of Medicine, School of Medicine
   Position   Associate Professor
Article types Original article
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Transitions in oral and intestinal microflora composition and innate immune receptor-dependent stimulation during mouse development.
Journal Formal name:Infection and immunity
Abbreviation:Infect Immun
ISSN code:1098-5522(Electronic)0019-9567(Linking)
Domestic / ForeginForegin
Volume, Issue, Page 78(2),pp.639-50
Author and coauthor Hasegawa Mizuho†, Osaka Toshifumi, Tawaratsumida Kazuki, Yamazaki Takashi, Tada Hiroyuki, Chen Grace Y, Tsuneda Satoshi, Núñez Gabriel, Inohara Naohiro*
Authorship 2nd author
Publication date 2010/02
DOI 10.1128/IAI.01043-09
Document No. 19933833