カナイ ミワ   KANAI Miwa
  金井 美和
   所属   医学部 医学科(附属八千代医療センター)
   職種   助手
論文種別 原著
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Left Ventricular Stimulation With Electrical Latency Predicts Mortality in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy.
掲載誌名 正式名:JACC. Clinical electrophysiology
略  称:JACC Clin Electrophysiol
巻・号・頁 7(6),pp.796-805
著者・共著者 Yagishita Daigo, Yagishita Yoshimi, Kataoka Shohei, Yazaki Kyoichiro, Kanai Miwa, Ejima Koichiro, Shoda Morio, Hagiwara Nobuhisa
発行年月 2021/06
概要 OBJECTIVES:This study sought to evaluate the prognostic value of the time interval from left ventricular (LV) pacing to the earliest onset of QRS complex (S-QRS) for long-term clinical outcomes in patients who underwent cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT).BACKGROUND:The electrical latency during LV pacing evaluated by S-QRS is associated with local tissue property, and the S-QRS ≥37 ms has been previously proposed as an independent predictor of mechanical response to CRT.METHODS:This study included 82 consecutive patients with heart failure with reduced LV ejection fraction (≤35%) and a wide QRS complex (≥120 ms) who underwent CRT. Patients were divided into a short S-QRS group (SS-QRS; <37 ms) and a long S-QRS group (LS-QRS; ≥37 ms). The primary endpoint was total mortality, including LV assist device implantation or heart transplantation, whereas the secondary endpoint was total mortality or HF hospitalization.RESULTS:S-QRS was 25.9 ± 5.3 ms in SS-QRS and 51.5 ± 13.7 ms in LS-QRS (p < 0.01), and baseline QRS duration and electrical activation at the LV pacing site (i.e., Q-LV) were similar. During mean follow-up of 44.5 ± 21.1 months, 24 patients (29%) reached the primary endpoint, whereas the secondary endpoints were observed in 47 patients (57%). LS-QRS had significantly worse event-free survival for both endpoints. LS-QRS was an independent predictor of total mortality (hazard ratio: 2.6; 95% confidence interval: 1.11 to 6.12; p = 0.03) and the secondary composite events (hazard ratio: 2.4; 95% confidence interval: 1.31 to 4.33; p < 0.01).CONCLUSIONS:The S-QRS ≥37 ms at the LV pacing site was a significant predictor of total mortality and HF hospitalization. S-QRS-guided optimal LV lead placement is critical in patients who receive CRT.
DOI 10.1016/j.jacep.2020.10.015
PMID 34167755