カワシマ アキツグ   KAWASHIMA Akitsugu
  川島 明次
   所属   医学部 医学科(東京女子医科大学病院)
   職種   准教授
論文種別 原著
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Usefulness of intraoperative laser Doppler flowmetry and thermography to predict a risk of postoperative hyperperfusion after superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery bypass for moyamoya disease.
掲載誌名 正式名:Neurosurgical review
略  称:Neurosurg Rev
巻・号・頁 34(3),pp.355-362
著者・共著者 Kawamata Takakazu, Kawashima Akitsugu, Yamaguchi Kohji, Hori Tomokatsu, Okada Yoshikazu
発行年月 2011/07
概要 We investigated whether postoperative hyperperfusion in moyamoya disease can be predicted using intraoperative laser Doppler flowmetry and/or thermography. A prospective study was conducted on 27 patients (39 hemispheres) with moyamoya disease who underwent superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery (STA-MCA) bypass. During surgery, regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured with a laser Doppler flowmeter and the temperature of the cortical surface was measured with an infrared thermograph. Postoperative hyperperfusion was assessed immediately after surgery based on CBF study under sedation (propofol) as >100% increase in corrected rCBF compared to preoperative values. Postoperative hyperperfusion on CBF was observed in two patients (7.4%). A significant correlation was observed between intraoperative rCBF changes and postoperative rCBF increase (Pearson's method: r=0.555, p=0.0003; simple regression: Y=1.22X+3.289, r (2)=0.308, p=0.0004). Furthermore, the rCBF changes measured by laser Doppler flowmetry were significantly greater in patients with postoperative hyperperfusion (p=0.0193) and CHS (p=0.0193). The present study suggests that intraoperative rCBF measurement using laser Doppler flowmetry may predict a risk of post-EC-IC bypass cerebral hyperperfusion in moyamoya disease.
DOI 10.1007/s10143-011-0331-8
PMID 21643682