イシグロ タイチ   ISHIGURO Taichi
  石黒 太一
   所属   医学部 医学科(附属八千代医療センター)
   職種   講師
論文種別 原著
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Neurosurgical Management and Outcomes of Cerebrovascular Disease in Pediatric Patients with Heart Disease.
掲載誌名 正式名:Neurologia medico-chirurgica
略  称:Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo)
巻・号・頁 58(8),pp.334-340
著者・共著者 Maruyama Daisuke, Kataoka Hiroharu, Satow Tetsu, Mori Hisae, Ito Yoshiro, Hamano Eika, Tanaka Shunichi, Ishiguro Taichi, Chikuie Hidekazu, Takahashi Jun C
発行年月 2018/08
概要 Antithrombotic treatment has substantial risks, even in pediatric patients. We retrospectively evaluated the management and outcomes of consecutive pediatric patients who underwent neurosurgical treatment for cerebrovascular disease with cardiovascular disease between 1998 and 2017. Patients were divided into patients with comorbid cardiovascular disease (group I); and patients with cardiovascular disease as a primary disease of intracranial complication, without (group IIa) or with (group IIb) extracorporeal circulations. Postoperative resumption of antithrombotic agents was generally initiated within 48 h. Our study included 26 patients; five were categorized as group I, 15 as group IIa, and six as group IIb. All intracranial diseases in groups IIa and IIb were exclusively hemorrhagic. Preoperative anticoagulation therapy was used in one patient (20%) in group I, 13 patients (86.7%) in group IIa, and six patients (100%) in group IIb. Postoperative intracranial hemorrhagic events were observed in one patient (20%) in group I, three patients (20%) in group IIa, and four patients (66.7%) in group IIb. Re-operations were conducted in two (13.3%) and three patients (50%) in groups IIa and IIb, respectively. Death occurred in five (33.3%) and four patients (66.7%) in groups IIa and IIb, respectively. The remaining two patients in group IIb returned to candidate status for implantation. Emergent surgery for patients with intracranial hemorrhage associated with cardiovascular disease has a high risk of postoperative hemorrhagic events and high rate of re-operations with poor vital outcomes, especially in patients with extracorporeal circulations. We should consider maximum neurosurgical treatment achievable with optimal management of antithrombotic treatment.
DOI 10.2176/nmc.st.2018-0034
PMID 29998935