マサムネ ケン
正宗 賢 所属 医学研究科 医学研究科 (医学部医学科をご参照ください) 職種 教授 |
論文種別 | 原著 |
言語種別 | 英語 |
査読の有無 | 査読あり |
表題 | Prevention of Acute High-Altitude Illness by Health Care Management during Endurance Motor Rallies |
掲載誌名 | 正式名:日大医学雑誌 ISSNコード:00290424 |
掲載区分 | 国内 |
巻・号・頁 | 79(1),pp.7-13 |
総ページ数 | 日大医学会 |
著者・共著者 | HIRANO Asao†, HARADA Tomonor, ISEKI Hiroshi, AIZAWA Shin, MASAMUNE Ken |
発行年月 | 2020/02/01 |
概要 | 抄録
Aims: The crew members of an endurance motor sports rally team developed acute high-altitude illness (AHAI) during the first year of a route that included driving at high altitude for three days. Therefore, a health care manager (HCM) was assigned to the team to help prevent AHAI during the second and third years. We evaluated the effect of the HCM on the prevalence of AHAI. Methods: The numbers of individuals who presented at the official medical tent of the rally were recorded. Reports from another team without an HCM served as the control. Results: The rates of visits were essentially the same between the two teams (5 [20.8%] of 24 vs. 3 [20.0%] of 15) respectively during 2016. These values were reduced in the team with the HCM during 2017 and 2018, but did not change in the control team (1 [4%] of 25 and 0 [0%] of 25, respectively vs. 3 [18.8%] of 16; P = 0.0128 Fisher exact test). Conclusions: An HCM with knowledge of AHAI was effective in preventing the development of AHAI among endurance rally crews. |
DOI | 10.4264/numa.79.1_7 |