(Last updated : 2024-10-22 11:53:16)
  Suzuki Kazufumi
   Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine  Department of Radiology, Division of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine
   Position   Assistant Professor
■ Books
1. Chapter contribution  IX. Diagnostic imaging; aute ischemic stroke; CT perfusion「日本臨床 72巻増刊号5 最新臨床脳卒中学(上)」 2014/07
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Defining juxtapapillary diverticulum with 3D segmented trueFISP MRCP: comparison with conventional MRCP sequences with an oral negative contrast agent 2009/12
2. Other  Claude 3.5 Sonnet indicated improved TNM classification on radiology report of pancreatic cancer 2024/10/15
3. Original article  Category Classification for Lung Computed Tomography of COVID-19 by Natural Language Processing in Japanese Radiology Report 2023/12/20 Link
4. Original article  Agreement Between Augmented Reality and Computed Tomography Coordinate Systems: A New Approach to an Image-Guided Procedure 2023/08/31
5. Original article  Noncontact measurement of puncture needle angle using augmented reality technology in computed tomography-guided biopsy: stereotactic coordinate design and accuracy evaluation. 2022/04
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Effective surgical education and development of an AI operation system designed for safety improvement and optimal cancer surgery by digitizing  2022/06/08
2. Assessment of Advanced optic nerve DWI: motion-compensated IRIS combined with motion-compensated motion probing gradient  2021/09/10
3. Accuracy verification of new Needle Angle Measurement application using Augmented Reality technology  2021/04/17
4. Accuracy of Needle Puncture Under Augmented Reality Displayed on a Head Mounted Display with Position Automatically Adjusted by a 2D Marker  2020/11/29
5. Efficiency of Using Augmented Reality Technology in Training of Central Venous Access  2020/11/29
Display all(51)
■ Research areas
Radiological sciences (Key Word:Neuroradiology, Large-scale language model, Artificial intelligence, Extended reality) 
■ Awards & honors
1. 2010/11 Certificate of Merit (Radiological Society of North America)
■ Academic society memberships
1. The Japan Stroke Society
2. Radiological Society of North America
■ Education
1. Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University, Graduated,