(Last updated : 2024-11-19 11:21:41)
  Shimizu Tomokazu
   Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine  
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Books
1. Chapter contribution  Current situation of ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation in Japan., ABO-incompatible Kidney Transplantation 2016
2. Chapter contribution  Deoxyspergualin(gusperimus hydrocloride)「腎と透析 腎疾患治療薬マニュアル 2013-2014」 2013/04
3. Chapter contribution  Immunoinsufficiency「腎と透析 腎疾患治療薬マニュアル 2013-2014」 2013/04
4. Chapter contribution  Urologic infection「腎と透析 腎疾患治療薬マニュアル 2013-2014」 2013/04
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Outcomes of kidney transplantation in recipients with SARS-cov-2 infection: a 282-case single-center experience in Japan 2024/10/03
2. Original article  Delayed peak antibody titers after the second dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in solid organ transplant recipients: Prospective cohort study 2024/08/03
3. Case report  Treatment of allograft’ ureteral stones with percutaneous laser lithotripsy in a patient post-kidney-transplant: A case report. 2024/07
4. Original article  Renal outcome of living kidney donors aged more than 70 years 2024/04/14
5. Case report  Safety of docetaxel in a patient with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer after kidney transplantation: A case report. 2024/04
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Clinicopathological evaluation of living-related kidney transplantation from older adult donors: A focus on zero-time
biopsy findings.  2024/06/04
2. Discordance between banff automation system and pathologists in diagnosing chronic antibody-mediated rejection in clinical practice.  2024/06/04
3. Spatial transcriptomic analysis uncovers gene expression profiles in peritubular capillaritis in antibody-mediated rejection.  2024/06/03
4. Predicting short-term outcomes of living kidney donor by machine learning.  2024/06/01
5. Prediction of 10-yr renal graft survival of deceased donors based on preoperative data using machine learning.  2024/06/01
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■ Social activities
1. 2017/03 1st East Asia Transplant Expert Meeting Discussion Banff classification Moderator
■ Research grants & projects
1. 2022/04~2025/03  Assessing the risk of renal allograft' rejection by immunocytospatial analysis  (Key Word : )
■ Education
1. 1986/04~1992/03 Department of medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane Medical University, Graduated, Medical doctor
■ Rsearch funding number