(Last updated : 2025-01-12 14:04:20)
  KAWASHIMA Akitsugu
   Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine  Department of Neurosurgery
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Books
1. Chapter contribution  RNF213 and Clinical Feature, Moyamoya disease: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives 2021/02/27
2. Chapter contribution  Neurosurgical Treatment for Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke - Moyamoya disease, Ischemic Stroke Management 2019/11
3. Chapter contribution  STA-ACA/MCA double bypasses with long grafts, Surgical Techniques in Moyamoya Vasculopathy 2019/11
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Difference in Clinical Phenotype, Mutation Position, and Structural Change of RNF213 Rare Variants Between Pediatric and Adult Japanese Patients with Moyamoya Disease 2023/09/01
2. Original article  Horizontal stent deployment via extracranial-intracranial bypass in coil embolization of basilar apex aneurysms: technical report. 2022/05
3. Original article  Five-day bed rest reduces postoperative intracerebral hemorrhage after direct bypass for Moyamoya disease 2022/03
4. Original article  A case of idiopathic extracranial carotid artery pseudoaneurysm with a rare clinical course and pathological features 2021/06/01
5. Original article  RNF213 and clinical feature, moyamoya disease: current knowledge and future perspectives 2021/02
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Surgical challenge for intractable middle cerebral artery large/giant aneurysms  2018/04/14
2. Clinical manifestations of infantile moyamoya disease - A comparison with schoolage and pubertal moyamoya disease -  2016/10/25
3. Surgical strategy for middle cerebral artery large / giant aneurysms  2015/03/29
4. Current treatment strategy for C2-C3 aneurysm with unique preoperative image guiding system: advantage in use of Gamma Plan with enhanced CISS based on 94 treatment plan cases  2014/10/09
5. A specificity of infantile moyamoya disease -A comparison with schoolage and pubertal moyamoya disease-  2014/05/29
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■ Education
1. 1988/04~1994/03 Faculty of Medicine, Nippon Medical School, Graduated, Ph.D.