(Last updated : 2023-03-28 11:18:00)
  Kobayashi Masaki
   Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine  Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Neurology
   Position   Assistant Professor
■ Published papers
1. Case report  Successful treatment of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy that developed 21 years after renal transplantation: A case report 2022/07/03
2. Case report  Association of IgG4-Related Arteritis With Recurrent Stroke. 2020/02
3. Case report  Perampanel improved intractable myoclonus in two patients with myoclonus epilepsy 2019/12
4. Case report  PD-1 inhibitor-associated severe myasthenia gravis with necrotizing myopathy and myocarditis. 2019/04
5. Case report  Chronic sarcoid myopathy manifesting only as dysphagia and dysarthria in an 84-year-old woman. 2018/10
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Peripheral neuropathy and Livedoid Vasculopathy  2020/05
2. MR neurography in differential diagnosis of CIDP, MMN and CMT  2019/06/24
3. Neuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis: vasculitic or immune-mediated neuropathy  2017/07/09
4. A survey of patients with multiple sclerosis in Japan  2012/10/12
5. Interferon-beta treatment in anti AQP4 antibody positive patients  2009/10/02
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■ Academic society memberships
1. 2009 Peripheral Nerve Society
2. 2006 Japanese Peripheral Nerve Society
■ Education
1. Faculty of Medicine, Gunma University, Graduated