(Last updated : 2023-04-12 15:48:55)
  Iwakura Nahoko
   Department   School of Medicine(Yachiyo Medical Center), School of Medicine  
   Position   Assistant Professor
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Single versus double end-to-side nerve grafts in rats. 2012/02
2. Original article  Using peer role-playing to improve students' clinical skills for musculoskeletal physical examinations. 2021/06
3. Original article  Treatment of Capitellum Fracture with Chronic Radial Head Dislocation. 2019/06
■ Academic conference presentation
1. Outcome of Stretching for Treatment of Trigger Finger in Patients on Hemodialysis  2019/06/17
2. Musculoskeletal Clinical skills improved by Practical simulation program in Clinical clerkship  2019/05/12
3. Can changes in magnetic resonance imaging before and after surgery predict whether nerve conduction velocities improve after carpal tunnel release in chronic hemodialysis-associated carpal tunnel syndrome?  2018/06/13
4. Stretching is a New Tool for Conservative Treatment of Trigger Finger  2017/06/21
5. Ultrasound evaluation of the altered morphology of normal flexor tendon at the A1 pulley - to elucidate a mechanism for stretching utility  2016/06/22
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■ Education
1. 2008/04~2011/03 〔Doctoral course〕, Faculty of Medicine, Chiba University, Completed
2. 1995/04~2002/03 Graduate School, Division of Medicine, University of Toyama, Graduated,