(Last updated : 2023-08-06 12:36:05)
  Nishina Yuu
   Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine  Department of Radiology, Division of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine
   Position   Assistant Professor
■ Published papers
1. Original article  Early dark cortical band sign on CT for differentiating clear cell renal cell carcinoma from fat poor angiomyolipoma and detecting peritumoral pseudocapsule. 2021/08
2. Original article  Artifact-robust diffusion-weighted whole-body imaging with background suppression at 3 T using improved turbo spin-echo diffusion-weighted imaging 2019/04
3. Other  Techniques of adrenal venous sampling in patients with inferior vena cava or renal vein anomalies. 2018/04
4. Original article  Reduction of radiation exposure using dynamic trace digital angiography and spot fluoroscopy during adrenal venous sampling 2017/01
5. Original article  Successful Adrenal Venous Sampling by Non-experts with Reference to CT Images. 2016/07
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Optimization of Direct-coronal Diffusion-weighted Whole Body Imaging with Background Suppression (DWIBS) Using Single-shot Turbo Spin-echo (TSE) at 3T MRI.  2016/05/10
2. Optimization of Single-shot Turbo Spin-echo Diffusion-weighted Imaging with Parallel Imaging in Healthy Pancreas.  2016/05/07
3. MRI detectability of anterior prostate cancer: Three-dimensional comparison with radical prostatectomy specimen.  2012/03/06
4. MRI detectability of cancer in the anterior compartment of the prostate: three-dimensional comparison with radical prostatectomy specimen  2012/03/01
5. Three-dimensional Non Contrast-enhanced MR Angiography in Transplanted Kidneys: Techniques, Useful Conditions, and Limitations of Time-SLIP  2011/11/27