(Last updated : 2024-05-23 14:14:35)
  Oono Naoko
   Department   Research Institutes and Facilities, Research Institutes and Facilities  Institute for Comprehensive Medical Sciences
   Position   Assistant Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. Elucidation of Factors Affecting Freeze-Thaw Tolerance in C. elegans  2023/06/24
2. Elucidation of the molecular mechanism underlying freezing tolerance in C. elegans  2022/12/02
3. Systematic analysis of CAMs expressed in ray neurons in C. elegans.  2021/06
4. Elucidating the functions of cell adhesion molecules in determining neuronal connectivity in C. elegans  2020/09
5. Roles of cell adhesion proteins in the C. elegans male tail  2019/06
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■ Education
1. 2012/04~2016/03 〔Doctoral course〕 Department of biophysics and biochemistry, Graduate School, Division of Science, The University of Tokyo, Completed,
2. 2010/04~2012/03 〔Master degree program〕 Department of biophysics and biochemistry, Graduate School, Division of Science, The University of Tokyo, Completed
3. 2006/04~2010/03 Faculty of Education, Waseda University, Graduated
■ Academic & professional experience
1. 2017/07~2021/09 Albert Einstein College of Medicine
■ Rsearch funding number
■ External Researcher ID
orcID 0000-0002-6311-5281