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   Nakamura Shin'ichi
Assistant Professor:
   Oota Masaho
Assistant Professor:
   Ishikawa Ichirou
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Nonaka Kouichi, Arai Shin, Ban Shinichi, Kitada Hideki, Namoto Masaaki, Nagata Koji, Ochiai Yasutoshi, Togawa Osamu, Nakao Masamitsu, Nishimura Makoto, Ishikawa Keiko, Sasaki Yutaka, Kita Hiroto:  Prospective study of the evaluation of the usefulness of tumor typing by narrow band imaging for the differential diagnosis of gastric adenoma and well-differentiated adenocarcinoma.  Digestive Endoscopy  23 :146-152 , 2011
2. Nakamura Tsutomu, Ota Masaho, Oki Takeshi, Sato Takuya, Shirai Yuji, Yamamoto Masakazu, Mitsuhashi Norio:  Induction chemoradiotherapy followed by esophagectomy for advanced squampus cell carcinoma of the esophagus.  Esophagus  8 :89-95 , 2011
3. Shono Takashi, Ochiai Yasutoshi, Nakao Masamitsu, Togawa Osamu, Nishimura Makoto, Arai Shin, Nonaka Kouichi, Sasaki Yutaka, Kita Hiroto:  Feasibility of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD): a New Technique for en bloc Resection of a Large Superficial Tumor in the Colon and Rectum.  International Journal of Surgical Oncology  2011 :948293 , 2011
Review article
1. 中村真一, 岸野真衣子, 山本果奈, 石川一郎, 小西洋之, 白鳥敬子:  (特集 見逃してはいけない消化器疾患‐消化器救急疾患・消化器癌を中心に‐)見逃してはいけない消化器救急疾患‐適切な診断と初期対応 消化管出血.  消化器の臨床  15 (1) :13 , 2012.2
2. 大木岳志, 大和雅之, 太田正穂, 高木亮, 近藤誠, 金井信雄, 中村努, 岡野光夫, 山本雅一*:  (消化器領域における再生医工学)食道:細胞シートを用いた食道再生.  G.I.Research  19 (4) :364-369 , 2011.8
3. 中村努, 太田正穂, 佐藤拓也, 山本雅一*:  VII.食道癌の診断 癌の進行診断とその困難性.  日本臨牀  69 (増刊号6) :129-132 , 2011.8
Case report
1. 合阪暁, 大森鉄平, 小西洋之, 岸野真衣子, 飯塚文瑛, 中村真一, 白鳥敬子*:  滞留したカプセル内視鏡をダブルバルーン内視鏡で回収した1例.  Progress of Digestive Endoscopy  79 (2) :82-83 , 2011
2. 石川一郎, 山本果奈, 岸野真衣子, 小西洋之, 中村真一, 白鳥敬子*:  Helicobacter pylori除菌の6年後に認めた0-Ⅱb型未分化型胃癌の1例.  Progress of Digestive Endoscopy  79 (2) :74-75 , 2011
3. Nonaka Kouichi, Honda Yuko, Gushima Ryosuke, Maki Yoko, Sakurai Kouichi, Iyama Ken, Sasaki Yutaka:  Narrow band imaging of interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma originating in the duodenum.  Endoscopy  43 :E113-E114 , 2011
1. 中村真一:  (主題:消化器病専門医としての知識と技術を習得する)門脈圧亢進症の診断と治療.  日本消化器病学会関東支部 第18回教育講演会テキスト  :14-18 , 2011.6
2. 中村真一:  食道・胃静脈瘤の診断と治療.  消化器病 -日本消化器病学会東北支部 第13回教育講演記録-  :1-8 , 2011
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■ Books
1. 中村真一:  (各論 I.上部消化管)2.食道胃静脈瘤出血.  緊急内視鏡マニュアル  74-80.  南江堂,  東京, 2012.2
2. Ota Masaho, Nakamura tsutomu, Yamamoto Masakazu:  Combination Therapy After EMR/ESD for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Submucosal Invasion.  Gastrointestinal Endoscopy  91-96.  InTech,  Rijeka,Croatia, 2011.10
3. 中村真一:  ブールハーヴェ症候群.  症候群ハンドブック  248-248.  中山書店,  東京, 2011.5
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎Inoue Yuji, Ohki Takeshi, Kamikozuru Hirotaka, Kaneko Yuaka, Susa Mayuko, Ota Masaho, Yamamoto Masakazu: A case of advanced colorectal cancer measuring 8 mm in diameter.  21st World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons,Gastroenterologists and oncologists,  Tokyo,  2011/11
2. ◎Inoue Yuji, Ohki Takeshi, Kamikozuru Takahiro, Kaneko Yuka, Susa Mayuko, Ota Masaho, Yamamot Masakazu: A case of sigmoid colon caner recurrence in the form of submucosal invasive tumor following endoscopic piecemesl mucosal resection.  21st World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons,Gastroenterologists and oncologists,  Tokyo,  2011/11
3. ◎Inoue Yuji, Ohki Takeshi, Kaneko Yuka, Kamikozuru hirotaka, Susa Mayuko, Ota Masaho, Yamamoto Masakazu: Check the location of the scar of additional bowel resection-The usefulness of a plan abdominal radiograph after colonoscopy.  21st World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons,Gastroenterologists and oncologists,  Tokyo,  2011/11
4. ◎Nakamura Tsutomu, Ota Masaho, Narumiya Kosuke, Sato Takuya, Shirai Yuji, Ohki Takeshi, Yamamoto Masakazu: Clinical and pathologic features of esophageal cancer patients under 40 years old.  21st World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons,Gastroenterologists and oncologists,  Tokyo,  2011/11
5. ◎Omori Akiko, Ota Masaho, Nakamura Tsutomu, Yamamot Masakazu: Indication of Surgical treatment for acalasia according to result of endoscopic balloon dilation.  21st World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons,Gastroenterologists and oncologists,  Tokyo,  2011/11
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