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 Department of Surgery, Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


   HONDA Gorou
Associate Professor:
   ARIIZUMI Shiyun'ichi
   KOTERA Yoshihito
Assistant Professor:
   HIGUCHI Riyouta
Assistant Professor:
   UEMURA Shiyuuichirou
   KATOU Takaaki
   HIRATA Yoshihiro
   IZUMO Wataru
   OOME Yuusuke
   OOMORI Akiko
   KAWAMOTO Yuusuke
   SHIIHARA Masahiro

   MATSUNAGA Yuutarou
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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 14 0 15 5 3 25  0 2 0 1  39 26  8 6  0 1
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. MATSUMURA Masaru, HONDA Goro, TANI Keigo, NAMOTO Satoshi, OME Yusuke, HAYAKAWA Sara, SUZUKI Mizuka, HORIGUCHI Shin-Ichiro, KIKUYAMA Masataka, SEYAMA Yasuji:  The outcome of a multidisciplinary approach incorporating neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy with S1 for resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.  Annals of gastroenterological surgery  7 (2) :306-317 , 2023.3   DOI:10.1002/ags3.12624
2. TOMIMARU Yoshito, EGUCHI Hidetoshi, INOUE Yosuke, NAGAKAWA Yuichi, OHBA Akihiro, TAKAMI Hideki, UNNO Michiaki, Yamamoto Tomohisa, KAWATSU Shoji, HAYASHI Tsuyoshi, HIGUCHI Ryota, KITAGAWA Hirohisa, HATTORI Satoshi, FUJII Tsutomu, HIROOKA Yoshiki, IGARASHI Hisato, KITANO Masayuki, KUROKI Tamotsu, MASAMUNE Atsushi, SHIMIZU Yasuhiro, TANI Masaji, TANNO Satoshi, TSUJI Yoshihisa, YAMAUE Hiroki, SATOI Sohei, TAKEYAMA Yoshifumi,:  Impact of S-1 adjuvant chemotherapy longer than 6 months on survival in patients with resected pancreatic cancer: a nationwide survey by the Japan Pancreas Society based on real-world data.  Cancer  129 (5) :728-739 , 2023.3   DOI:10.1002/cncr.34580
3. OMORI Yuko, ONO Yusuke, MORIKAWA Takanori, MOTOI Fuyuhiko, HIGUCHI Ryota, YAMAMOTO Masakazu, HAYAKAWA Yuko, KARASAKI Hidenori, MIZUKAMI Yusuke, UNNO Michiaki, FURUKAWA Toru:  Serine/Threonine Kinase 11 Plays a Canonical Role in Malignant Progression of KRAS -Mutant and GNAS -Wild-Type Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas.  Annals of surgery  277 (2) :e384-e395 , 2023.2   DOI:10.1097/SLA.0000000000004842
4. TOYOSHIMA Yukinori, NARUMIYA Kosuke*, KUDO Kenji, EGAWA Hiroto, HOSOAD Kei:  Comparative analysis of the outcomes of gastrectomy vs. endoscopic mucosal resection or endoscopic submucosal dissection for the treatment of gastric tube cancer after esophagectomy.  Global health & medicine  5 (1) :40-46 , 2023.2   DOI:10.35772/ghm.2022.01059
5. MATSUO Natsuki, OHKI Takeshi, AOYAMA Shota, YAMAGUCHI SHIGEKI, ITABASHI Michio, EGAWA Hiroto, YAMAMOTO Masakazu:  Transplantation of hybrid adipose-derived stem cell sheet with autologous peritoneum: An in vivo feasibility study.  Heliyon  9 (2) :e12992 , 2023.2   DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e12992
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Review article
1. 高山敬子, 田中マリ子, 本田五郎, 森下慶一, 伊藤泰斗, 古川 徹:  (特集 膵癌の早期診断-診療ガイドラインの改訂を踏まえて)5.Stage0, IA膵癌の診断と治療 (2)USの役割.  臨床消化器内科  38 (2) :171-177 , 2023.1
2. 大目祐介, 本田五郎, 川本裕介, 植村修一郎, 高山敬子, 菊山正隆:  (特集 膵癌の早期診断-診療ガイドラインの改訂を踏まえて)5.Stage 0,IA膵癌の診断と治療 (6)外科的治療を含めた集学的治療.  臨床消化器内科  38 (2) :195-204 , 2023.1
3. 笹野まゆ, 石塚 敏, 小林悠梨, 安尾美年子, 三浦ひとみ, 岩藤和広, 江川裕人, 石田英樹:  ABO血液型不適合生体腎移植における抗血液型IgG抗体検出法の開発.  日本臨床腎移植学会雑誌  10 (2) :274-282 , 2022.12
4. 山永成美, 剣持 敬, 湯沢賢治, 江川裕人:  (特集 多様化した腎移植)COVID-19パンデミック下での腎移植.  泌尿器外科  35 (12) :1304-1308 , 2022.12
5. 椎原正尋, 樋口亮太:  (特集 膵・胆管合流異常-先天性胆道拡張症の最新トピックス-)先天性胆道拡張症術後晩期合併症からみた至適切除範囲.  胆と膵  43 (11) :1573-1577 , 2022.11
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Case report
1. 小川杏平, 樋口亮太, 谷澤武久, 植村修一郎, 出雲 渉, 古川 徹, 長嶋洋治, 山本雅一, 江川裕人:  大腸癌術後の遠位胆管転移の1例.  日本消化器外科学会雑誌  55 (11) :675-683 , 2022.11
2. ARIIZUMI Shunichi, YAMAMOTO Masakazu, HAMASAKI Azumi, KOTERA Yoshihito, KATO Takaaki, EGAWA Hiroto, NIIZAMI Hiroshi, HONDAGoro:  Left hepatectomy with suprahepatic inferior vena cava resection and reconstruction under veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: a case report.  Surgical case reports  8 (1) :185 , 2022.9   DOI:10.1186/s40792-022-01468-9
3. IZUMO Wataru, HIGUCHI Ryota, FURUKAWA Toru, YAZAWA Takehisa, UEMURA Shuichiro, TAKAYAMA Yukiko, SHIMIZU Kyoko, TOKUSHIGE Katsutoshi, EGAWA Hiroto, YAMAMOTO Masakazu:  A case of pathologically complete response after preoperative chemotherapy in a pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma patient with portal vein tumor thrombosis.  Clinical journal of gastroenterology  15 (3) :642-648 , 2022.6   DOI:10.1007/s12328-021-01571-8
4. YOSHIMIZU Chihiro, ARIIZUMI Shunichi, KOGISO Tomomi*, SAGAWA Takaomi, TANIAI Makiko, HONDA Goro, EGAWA Hiroto, TOKUSHIGE Katsutoshi:  Giant Hepatic Hemangioma Causing Prolonged Fever and Indicated for Resection.  Internal medicine  61 (12) :1849-1856 , 2022.6   DOI:10.2169/internalmedicine.8405-21
5. TAKAGI Yutaka, HATORI Takashi, ITANO Osamu, SHINODA Masahiro, KATO Atsushi, NITORI Nobuhiro, KATO Fumihiko, KATO Ayu, NAKANO Atsushi, TAMURA Takuya, UEMURA Shuichiro, MIYAZAKI Masaru, AIDA Shinsuke:  Pancreatic serous cystadenocarcinoma diagnosed with liver metastasis at 7 years after the resection of the primary serous neoplastic lesion.  Clinical journal of gastroenterology  15 (2) :505-512 , 2022.4   DOI:10.1007/s12328-021-01570-9
1. TAKADA Tadahiro, ISAJI Shuji, MAYUMI Toshihiko, YOSHIAD Masahiro, TAKEYAMA Yoshifumi, ITOI Takao, SANO Keiji, IAZAWA Yusuke, MASAMUNE Atsushi, HIROTA Morihisa, OKAMOTO Kohji, INOUE Dai, KITAMURA Nobuya, MORI Yasuhisa, MUKAI Shuntaro, KIRIYAMA Seiki, SHIRAI Kunihiro, TSUCHIYA Asuka, HIGUCHI Ryota, HIRASHITA Teijiro:  JPN clinical practice guidelines 2021 with easy-to-understand explanations for the management of acute pancreatitis.  Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences  29 (10) :1057-1083 , 2022.10   DOI:10.1002/jhbp.1146
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■ Books
1. 江川裕人:  監修.  必携 内科医のための臓器移植診療ハンドブック  1-274.  ぱーそん書房,  東京, 2023.3
2. 川本裕介, 本田五郎, 大目祐介:  腹腔鏡下肝S7亜区域切除.  消化器内視鏡外科手術バイブル 動画で学ぶハイボリュームセンターの手技  180-185.  医学書院,  東京, 2023.3
3. TOKITOU Fumiaki, OME Yusuke, HONDA Goro, YAMAMOTO Masakazu:  Laparoscopic Right Hepatectomy.  Gastrointestinal Surgery Series: Minimal Invasive Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Surgery  32-36.  Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers,  India, 2022.5
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. OME Yusuke: (VideoSymposium2 Is standardization of highly difficult laparoscopic anatomic liver resection possible?)The standardized procedures for laparoscopic anatomic liver resection utilizing a laparoscopic view.  Asian-Pacific Congress of Robotic Laparoscopic Surgery 2022 (ACRLS 2022),  NAGOYA,  2022/12
2. ◎UNAGAMI Kohei, IMAMURA Ryoichi, OKI Rikako, TOMIMARU Yoshito, NAKAJIMA Daisuke, MASANO Yuki, ITO Takashi, YOSHIKAWA Mikiko, OMOTO Kazuya, KYAKUNO Miyaji, MORI Tomomi, HATTORI Hidetoshi, ISHIDA Hideki, TAKAHARA Shiro, EGAWA Hiroto: SARS-CoV-2 antibody kinetics after second dose of vaccination in solid organ transplant recipients.  Transplantation Science Symposium Asian Regional Meeting 2022,  Kyoto,  2022/11
3. HONDA Goro, OME Yusuke, HIGUCHI Ryota, UEMURA Shuichiro, MATSUNAGA Yutaro: Pitfalls of bile duct injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.  WCES2022,  Korea,  2022/10
4. HONDA Goro: Lapariscopic left hepatectomy.  20th MESDA,  Thailand,  2022/09
5. OME Yusuke: Difficult located tumors.  20th MESDA,  Thailand,  2022/09
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