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 Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Division of Public Health, Section of Global Health
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


   SUGISHITA Tomohiko
Assistant Professor:
   HONMA Hajime
Assistant Professor:
   IWASHITA Hanako
   ARISUE Nobuko
   NAGI Sachiyo
   MASUDA Gaku
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
1.  TERUMO LIFE SCIENCE FOUNDATION FY2022 R&D Subsidies (Overseas) Program
 Project title:Life-course approach for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) management in rural Nepal  (研究分担者:Hanako Iwashita)
 Budget amount:\3,000,000  (分担)
 Budget amount:\1,000,000  (代表)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Tiono Alfred B, Palacpac Nirianne Marie Q, Bougouma Edith Christiane, Nebie Issa, Ouédraogo Alphonse, Houard Sophie, Arisue Nobuko, D'Alessio Flavia, Horii Toshihiro*, Sirima Sodiomon B*:  Plasmodium falciparum infection coinciding with the malaria vaccine candidate BK-SE36 administration interferes with the immune responses in Burkinabe children.  Frontiers in immunology  14 :1119820 , 2023.3   DOI:10.3389/fimmu.2023.1119820
2. Prommas Prapichaya, Lwin Kaung Suu, Chen Yi Chi, Hyakutake Misa, Ghaznavi Cyrus, Sakamoto Haruka, Miyata Hiroaki, Nomura Shuhei:  The impact of social isolation from COVID-19-related public health measures on cognitive function and mental health among older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.  Ageing research reviews  85 :101839 , 2023.3   DOI:10.1016/j.arr.2022.101839
3. Hasuo Hideaki, Kusaka Nahoko, Sano Mutsuo, Kanbara Kenji, Kitawaki Tomoki, Sakuma Hiroko, Sakazaki Tomoya, Yoshida Kohei, Shizuma Hisaharu, Araki Hideo, Suzuki Motoyuki, Nishiguchi Satoshi, Shuzo Masaki, Masuda Gaku, Shimonishi Kei, Kondo Kazuaki, Ueda Hirotada, Nakamura Yuichi:  Effects of eating together online on autonomic nervous system functions: a randomized, open-label, controlled preliminary study among healthy volunteers.  BioPsychoSocial medicine  17 (1) :10 , 2023.3   DOI:10.1186/s13030-023-00263-8
4. Ghaznavi Cyrus, Tanoue Yuta, Kawashima Takayuki, Eguchi Akifumi, Yoneoka Daisuke, Sakamoto Haruka, Ueda Peter, Ishikane Masahiro, Ando Naokatsu, Miyazato Yusuke, Nomura Shuhei:  Recent changes in the reporting of STIs in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Sexually transmitted infections  99 (2) :124-127 , 2023.3   DOI:10.1136/sextrans-2021-055378
5. Ghaznavi Cyrus, Ueda Peter, Okuhama Ayako, Sakamoto Haruka:  Sexual Behaviors among Individuals Aged 20-49 in Japan: Initial Findings from a Quasi-Representative National Survey, 2022.  Journal of sex research  :1-12 , 2023.2   DOI:10.1080/00224499.2023.2178614
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Review article
1. Arisue Nobuko*, Honma Hajime, Kume Keitaro, Hashimoto Tetsuo:  Progress in understanding the phylogeny of the Plasmodium vivax lineage.  Parasitology international  87 :102507 , 2022.4   DOI:10.1016/j.parint.2021.102507
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■ Books
1. Ishtiaq Ahmad, 岩下 華子, 益田 岳, 坂元 晴香, 杉下 智彦:  The necessity of point-of-care devices(POC) and testing Glycated haemoglobin(HbA1c) for diagnosing diabetes in South Asia. A scoping review(和訳中).  日本渡航医学会誌  146.  (一社)日本渡航医学会,  Japan, 2022.9
2. 益田 岳:  空撮2波長画像の演算とAIを用いたマラリア媒介蚊幼虫生息地の広域検出手法の検討.  東京女子医科大学雑誌  149-150.  東京女子医科大学学会,  Japan, 2022.8
3. 益田 岳, 川田 均, 中澤 秀介:  デジタル時代の熱帯医学 ドローンと深層学習(AI)を活用したマラリア媒介蚊防除.  衛生動物  97.  日本衛生動物学会,  Japan, 2022.6
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. A. Hida, M Kishino, Shinjiro Hamano, Sachiyo Nagi: Association between diet quality and stunting among primary school children in Mbita District, Western Kenya: A cross sectional study.  22nd IUNS-ICN, International Congress of Nutrition,  東京,  2022/12
2. ◎有末伸子, Nirianne Marie Q. Palacpac, Edward H. Ntege, Adoke Yeka, Betty Balikagala, Bernard N. Kanoi, Edith Christiane Bougouma, Alfred B. Tiono, Issa Nebie, Amidou Diarra, Sophie Houard, Flavia D. Alessio, Odile Leroy, Sodiomon B. Sirima, Thomas G. Egwang, 堀井俊宏: アフリカにおける熱帯熱マラリア原虫SERA5の遺伝子多型とBK-SE36ワクチン免疫原性に与える影響について.  第92回日本寄生虫学会大会,  金沢市,  2023/03
3. ◎本間一: 熱帯熱マラリア原虫におけるDNAミスマッチ修復タンパク質MSH2-1変異体のゲノム解析.  第28回分子寄生虫学ワークショップ/第18回分子寄生虫・マラリア研究フォーラム合同大会,  長崎県長崎市,  2022/08
4. ◎有末伸子: 三日熱マラリア原虫Plasmodium vivaxの起源を検証する.  第28回分子寄生虫学ワークショップ/第18回分子寄生虫・マラリア研究フォーラム合同大会,  長崎県長崎市,  2022/08
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