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 Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


Associate Professor:
   OOSAKA Toshifumi
Assistant Professor:
   ASHINO Shigeru
Assistant Professor:
   KATOU Hidehito
   IIDZUKA Yuzuru
   UESHIBA Hidehiro
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
1.    (Grant No.:19K10077)
 Budget amount:\1,000,000  (Principal investigator)
2.    (Grant No.:21K17664)
 Budget amount:\600,000  (Principal investigator)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Kazuichi Isaka, Daichi Sugawara, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yuya Kimura, Toshifumi Osaka, Satoshi Tsuneda:  Long-term limitation effects of Se(VI), Zn(II), and Ni(II) on start-up of the anammox process using gel carrier.  Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology  10 :851617 , 2022.3   DOI:10.3389/fbioe.2022.851617
2. Yuzuru Iizuka, Hyounju Kim, Maki Nakasatomi, Akiyo Matsumoto, Jun Shimizu:  Phenotypic and genotypic changes in obesity and type 2 diabetes of male KK mice with aging.  Experimental Animals  71 (1) :71-81 , 2022.2   DOI:10.1538/expanim.21-0109
3. Kazuichi Isaka,Shiori Nitta, Toshifumi Osaka, Satoshi Tsuneda:  Effect of inorganic carbon limitation on the nitrogen removal performance of the single-stage reactor containing anammox and nitritation gel carriers.  Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering  133 (1) :70-75 , 2022.1   DOI:10.1016/j.jbiosc.2021.09.014
4. 井坂和一 、豊田透花、大前周平、高橋悠、大坂利文、常田聡:  高温条件がアナモックスプロセスへ及ぼす影響.  化学工学論文集  47 (6) :217-223 , 2021.11   DOI:
Review article
1. Yanagisawa Naoko:  Secondary Publication: SARS-CoV-2 and Immunological Response.  Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal  5 :1-10 , 2021.12   DOI:
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■ Books
1. 永田智, 柳沢直子, 大坂利文:  腸内細菌の成り立ちと成長.  腸内細菌を正しく理解する―入門・基礎編  0.  日本小児医事出版社,  東京、日本, 2021.4
2. 大坂 利文:  第6章II「食とヒトの腸内細菌叢の経時的な関連」.  腸内細菌を正しく理解する―入門・基礎編―  143-149.  日本小児医事出版社,  東京都, 2021.4
3. 大坂 利文:  第5章 「腸内細菌と疾患」.  腸内細菌を正しく理解する―入門・基礎編―  94-139.  日本小児医事出版社,  東京都, 2021.4
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎佐々木 啓, 上芝 秀博, 柳澤 直子, 石川 裕樹, 池 郁夫: Pathogenic characterization of hemolytic Rodentibacter sp. isolated from laboratory rodents.  第95回日本細菌学会総会,  オンライン,  2022/03
2. ◎Satoko Omachi, Toshifumi Osaka, Hidehiro Ueshiba, Satoshi Tsuneda, Naoko Yanagisawa: Role of Escherichia coli flagellin protein in the pathogenesis of type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis.  The 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology,  奈良県(オンライン),  2021/12
3. 金子知義,大坂利文,常田聡: 炎症性腸疾患モデルマウスを用いたファージセラピーの試み.  日本ファージセラピー研究会第 1 回研究集会,  オンライン,  2021/11
4. 金子知義,大坂利文,常田聡: バクテリオファージを用いた腸内細菌叢制御の試み.  第15回 細菌学若手コロッセウム,  日本,  2021/08
5. ◎Hiraku Sasaki, Hidehiro Ueshiba, Hiroki Ishikawa, Fumio Ike: Characterization of Rodentibacter sp. isolated from rodents.  第68回日本実験動物学会総会,  Web開催,  2021/05
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  :Corresponding Author
 :First Author