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 Department of Physiology, Division of Neurophysiology
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


   MIYATA Mariko
Assistant Professor:
   Hisako Nakayama
Assistant Professor:
   UETA Yoshifumi
   KODAMA Takashi
   MARUYAMA Takuma
■ Summary
We focus on the development and remodeling of neural circuits. Neural circuits undergo dynamic postnatal remodeling, including strengthening of necessary synapses and pruning of unnecessary synapses during adolescence. Our goals are to reveal how adolescent environment and experience affect the remodeling process and clarify how the remodeling affects brain functions in the end. We are also interested in the reorganization of neural circuits in the mature adult brain, which occurs typically after peripheral nerve damage. Through these series of studies, we hope to elucidate the neuronal mechanisms of developmental disorders and sexual differentiation of the brain, as well as to explore the therapeutic strategies to overcome intractable pain (e.g., phantom limb pain) and to facilitate functional recovery after nerve damage. In addition, our laboratory aims to elucidate the neural circuits involved in the processing of pain and emotion. We use electrophysiology, molecular biology, imaging, and optogenetics to observe, measure, and manipulate neural circuits in vitro and in vivo. We continuously collaborate with other labs in and out of the university, including clinical departments.
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■ Research grants & projects
1.    (Grant No.:20H05916)
 Budget amount:\15,600,000  (代表)
2.    (Grant No.:21H02583)
 Budget amount:\3,100,000  (代表)
3.    (Grant No.:21K06444)
 Budget amount:\800,000  (代表)
4.    (Grant No.:20K06862)
 Budget amount:\800,000  (代表)
5.    (Grant No.:21K15345)
 Budget amount:\1,000,000  (代表)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Daisuke Ishii, Hironobu Osaki, Arito Yozu, Tatsuya Yamamoto, Yutaka Kohno:  Role of the medial agranular cortex in unilateral spatial neglect.  Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale  5 (5) :1-12 , 2023.2
2. Im Sanghum, Ueta Yoshifumi, Otsuka Takeshi, Morishima Mieko, Youssef Mohammed, Hirai Yasuharu, Kobayashi Kenta, Kaneko Ryosuke, Morita Kenji, Kawaguchi Yasuo*.:  Corticocortical innervation subtypes of layer 5 intratelencephalic cells in the murine secondary motor cortex.  Cerebral Cortex  33 (1) :50-67 , 2022.12   DOI:10.1093/cercor/bhac052
3. Teruyoshi Hirayama*, Yuuki Kadooka, Etsuko Tarusawa, Sei Saitoh, Hisako Nakayama, Natsumi Hoshino, Soichiro Nakama, Takahiro Fukuishi, Yudai Kawanishi, Hiroki Umeshima, Koichi Tomita, Yumiko Yoshimura, Niels Galjart, Kouichi Hashimoto, Nobuhiko Ohno, Takeshi Yagi:  CTCF loss induces giant lamellar bodies in Purkinje cell dendrites.  Acta neuropathologica communications.  10 (172) :10.1186/s40478-022-01478-6 , 2022.11   DOI:10.1186/s40478-022-01478-6
4. Abdelaal MS, Midorikawa M, Suzuki T, Kobayashi K, Takata N, Miyata M, Mimura M, Tanaka KF*.:  Dysfunction of parvalbumin-expressing cells in the thalamic reticular nucleus induces cortical spike-and-wave discharges and an unconscious state
Manal S Abdelaal 1.  Brain Commun  4 (2) :a-a , 2022.8   DOI:10.1093/braincomms/fcac010
5. Osaki H*, Kanaya M, Ueta Y, Miyata M*.:  Distinct nociception processing in the dysgranular and barrel regions of the mouse somatosensory cortex.  Nat Commun  13 (1) :3622 , 2022.6   DOI:10.1038/s41467-022-31272-w.
Review article
1. Mitsuharu Midorikawa*:  Developmental and activity-dependent modulation of coupling distance between release site and Ca2+ channel.  Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience  :1037721 , 2022.10   DOI:10.3389/fncel.2022.1037721
2. 宮田麻理子*:  異所痛を生み出す脳内神経回路改編のメカニズム.  PAIN RESEARCH  37 (2) :97-101 , 2022.6
3. Mitsuharu Midorikawa:  Pathway-specific maturation of presynaptic functions of the somatosensory thalamus.  Neuroscience research  181 :1-8 , 2022.5   DOI:10.1016/j.neures.2022.04.008.
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■ Books
1. 宮田麻理子:  「医の変革」座談会.  医の変革  218-229.  岩波新書,  東京都、日本, 2023.1
2. 宮田麻理子:  第18章 体性感覚系の受容器.  カンデル神経科学  421-447.  メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル,  日本, 2022.9
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎Miyata Mariko: Distinct presynaptic development of surviving and eliminated synapses.  IRCN-iPlasticity International Symposium,  東京大学,  2023/01
2. ◎Yoshifumi Ueta, Miyata Mariko: Peripheral nerve injury-induced intrinsic plasticity facilitates burst activity of thalamocortical neurons via GABAergic tonic inhibition.  IRCN-iPlasticity International Symposium,  東京大学医学部教育研究棟14階鉄門記念講堂,  2023/01
3. ◎Ueta Yoshifumi: Peripheral nerve injury induces synaptic and intrinsic plasticity in the somatosensory thalamus underlying ectopic mechanical hypersensitivity.  Development and Plasticity of the Brain,  Shima, Mie, Japan,  2022/10
4. ◎Moeko Kanaya, Miyata Mariko: Neonatal sex steroids induce a sex difference in pain behavior in mice.  日本生理学会 第100回記念大会,  京都府京都市,  2023/03
5. ◎緑川光春, 坂本寛和, 宮田麻理子: Super-resolution imaging of the presynaptic active zone at the developing somatosensory thalamus.  日本生理学会 第100回記念大会,  京都府京都市,  2023/03
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