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 Department of Physiology, Division of Neurophysiology
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Academic conference presentation


   MIYATA Mariko
Assistant Professor:
   UETA Yoshifumi
   Hisako Nakayama
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
1.    (Grant No.:20H05916)
 Budget amount:\14,800,000  (Principal investigator)
2.    (Grant No.:19H03343)
 Budget amount:\3,400,000  (Principal investigator)
3.    (Grant No.:21H02583)
 Budget amount:\5,700,000  (Principal investigator)
4.    (Grant No.:21K07285)
 Budget amount:\1,900,000  (Principal investigator)
5.    (Grant No.:20k07362)
 Budget amount:\1,300,000  (Principal investigator)
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Abdelaal MS, Midorikawa M, Suzuki T, Kobayashi K, Takata N, Miyata M, Mimura M, Tanaka KF.:  Dysfunction of parvalbumin-expressing cells in the thalamic reticular nucleus induces cortical spike-and-wave discharges and an unconscious state.  Brain Communications  :eCollection 2022-eCollection 2022 , 2022.1   DOI:10.1093/braincomms/fcac010.
2. Ueta Yoshifumi*, Miyata Mariko*:  Electrophysiological and anatomical characterization of synaptic remodeling in the mouse whisker thalamus.  STAR Protocols  2 (3) :100743-100743 , 2021.9   DOI:10.1016/ j.xpro.2021.100743 Link
3. Nami Hayakawa, Hajime Matsumine*, Kaori Fujii, Hironobu Osaki, Yoshifumi Ueta, Wataru Kamei, Yosuke Niimi, Mariko Miyata, Hiroyuki Sakurai:  Facial nerve regeneration with bioabsorbable collagen conduits filled with collagen filaments: an experimental study.  Regenerative Therapy  18 :302-308 , 2021.8   DOI:10.1016/j.reth.2021.08.006
4. ESK Lai, H Nakayama, T Miyazaki, T Nakazawa, K Tabuchi, K Hashimoto, M Watanabe and M Kano:  Neuroligin-3 Mutation Affects Developmental Synapse Elimination in the Cerebellum.  Frontiers in Neural Circuits  15 :676891 , 2021.6   DOI:10.3389/fncir.2021.676891
5. Goichi Miyoshi*, Yoshifumi Ueta, Akiyo Natsubori, Kou Hiraga, Hironobu Osaki, Yuki Yagasaki, Yusuke Kishi, Yuchio Yanagawa, Gord Fishell, Robert P. Machold and Mariko Miyata:  FoxG1 regulates the formation of cortical GABAergic circuit during an early postnatal critical period resulting in autism spectrum disorder-like phenotypes.  Nature Communications  12 :3773 , 2021.6   DOI:10.1038/s41467-021-23987-z.
Review article
1. 土谷尚嗣
宮田麻理子:  感情クオリア構造とその神経基盤の解明に向けて.  生体の科学  73 (1) :64-69 , 2022.2   DOI:XXX Link
2. 緑川光春:  超解像ライブイメージングによる中枢神経シナプス前終末内部のシナプス小胞動態解析.  Precision Medicine  4 (11) :60-64 , 2021.9
3. 緑川光春:  脳が完成するまでに「生き残る」回路と 「刈り込まれる」回路との違いを解明.  神経科学ニュース  (227) :39-40 , 2021.4
4. 植田禎史*:  末梢神経損傷がミクログリアの働きを介して遠く離れた脳神経回路へ可塑性を誘導する仕組み.  神経化学トピックス  :38 , 2021.4   DOI:10.11481/topics143 Link
1. Osaki Hironobu*, Kanaya Moeko, Ueta Yoshifumi, Miyata Mariko*:  Distinct nociresponsive region in mouse primary somatosensory cortex.  bioRxiv  :ePub , 2021.4   DOI:10.1101/2021.04.14.439725 Link
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎Ueta Yoshifumi: Microglial regulation of peripheral nerve injury-induced synaptic remodeling in the thalamus.  AuPS meeting (annual meeting of Australian Physiological Society),  Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia (オンラインとのハイブリッド開催),  2021/11
2. Midorikawa Mitsuharu, Miyata Mariko: Development of presynaptic functions at surviving and eliminated synapses in the somatosensory thalamus.  第44回 日本神経科学大会 第1回 CJK 国際会議,  Kobe, Japan,  2021/07
3. ◎Nakayama Hisako, Miyata Mariko: Postsynaptic activity dependence of selective strengthening and an establishment of mono-innervation at whisker-related afferents to thalamic neuronal synapses.  第44回日本神経科学大会/第1回 CJK 国際会議,  神戸,  2021/07
4. ◎Hironobu Osaki, Moeko Kanaya, Miyata Mariko: Optogenetic inhibition of the primary somatosensory cortex neurons reduces pain behavior in free-moving mice.  1st International Symposium on Hyper-Adaptability,  Online,  2021/05
5. ◎Nakayama Hisako, Miyata Mariko: Social stress-induced remodeling of neuronal circuits in the sensory thalamus.  The 99th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan,  Sendai, Japan,  2022/03
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