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   ISHIDA Hideki
Associate Professor:
   SHIMIZU Tomokazu
Assistant Professor:
   UNAGAMI Kouhei
Assistant Professor:
   OOKI Rikako
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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 4 2 5 2 3 10  0 5 0 0  28 59  7 14  0 1
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. 岩上恵梨, 石塚敏*, 細羽恵美子, 笹野まゆ, 小林悠梨, 三浦ひとみ, 海上耕平, 石田英樹:  Real-time PCRを用いたHTLV-1遺伝子定量法の確立.  医学検査  73 (3) :423-431 , 2024.3   DOI:10.14932/jamt.23-108
2. TAKAGI Toshio*, OMAE Kenji, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, FUKUDA Hironori, KOBARI Yuki, ISHIHARA Hiroki, IIZUKA Junpei, KONDO Tsunenori, ISHIDA Hideki:  Comparisons of survival and surgical outcomes between minimally invasive partial nephrectomy and radical nephrectomy in elderly patients with stage 1 renal cell carcinoma.  Geriatrics & Gerontology International  24 (3) :269-274 , 2024.3   DOI:10.1111/ggi.14808
3. Banno Taro, Hirai Toshihito, Oki Rikako, Yagisawa Takafumi, Unagami Kohei, Kanzawa Taichi, Omoto Kazuya, Shimizu Tomokazu, Ishida Hideki, Takagi Toshio:  Higher donor age and severe microvascular inflammation are risk factors for chronic rejection after treatment of active antibody-mediated rejection.  Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation  37 :11960-11960 , 2024.2   DOI:10.3389/ti.2024.11960
4. Kobari Yuki, Iizuka Junpei, Nagashima Chika, Minoda Ryo, Unagami Kohei, Yoshida Kazuhiko, Hirai Toshihito, Shimizu Tomokazu, Ishida Hideki, Takagi Toshio:  Clinical course of candidate renal tansplant recipients diagnosed with prostate cancer during pre-transplant screening test.  In vivo (Athens, Greece)  38 (1) :496-499 , 2024.1   DOI:10.21873/invivo.13465
5. Yagisawa Takafumi, Kanzawa Taichi, Hirai Toshihito, Unagami Kohei, Shirai Yoko, Ishizuka Kiyonobu, Miura Kenichiro, Hattori Motoshi, Ishida Hideki, Takagi Toshio:  En bloc kidney transplantation from pediatric donors to teenage recipients: Two case reports.  International Journal of Urology Case Reports  7 (2) :136-140 , 2023.12   DOI:10.1002/iju5.12686
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Review article
1. 海上耕平, 大木里花子, 植田彩香, 北島久視子, 清水朋一, 石田英樹:  近年の免疫抑制療法.  臨牀と研究  101 (1) :4-7 , 2024.1
2. 海上耕平, 大木里花子, 齋藤彩香, 水主川純, 星野純一, 石田英樹:  腎移植後の妊娠・出産について.  日本腎臓学会誌  65 (4) :406-413 , 2023.5
3. 海上 耕平, 大木 里花子, 齊藤 彩香, 高木 敏男, 星野 純一, 石田 英樹:  生体腎移植ドナーのヘルスケアと腎臓内科医の役割 移植内科医育成の現状と課題.  日本腎臓学会誌  65 (3) :209 , 2023.5
Case report
1. 古澤美由紀, 石田英樹, 尾本和也, 海上耕平, 北島久視子, 飯塚淳平, 高木敏男:  関連 HLA エピトープが検出され慢性抗体関連型拒絶反応を発症した腎臓移植の 1 例.  腎移植・血管外科  35 (1) :13-17 , 2024.3
2. NAGAHISA Chika, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko*, KONDO Hanae, NAKAYAMA Takayuki, MIZOGUCHI Shinsuke, MINODA Ryo, FUKUDA Hironori, KOBARI Yuki, IIZUKA Junpei, NAGASHIMA Yoji, ISHIDA Hideki, TAKAGI Toshio*:  Advanced renal cell carcinoma with Inferior vena cava thrombus treated with a combination of preoperative lenvatinib and pembrolizumab.  Anticancer research  44 (3) :1317-1321 , 2024.3   DOI:10.21873/anticanres.16927
3. 服部元史*, 石塚喜世伸, 金子直人, 三浦健一郎, 安藤太郎, 池野かおる, 世川修, 鈴木万里, 石田英樹, 末吉亮, 山崎雄一郎, 白井陽子:  腎移植前後に下部尿路機能障害への介入を要した10例の検討.  日本小児腎不全学会雑誌  43 :70-74 , 2023.8
4. KOBARI Yuki, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko*, MINODA Ryo, FUKUDA Hironori, HATA Keisuke, UNAGAMI Kohei, IIZUKA Junpei, ISHIDA Hideki, NAGASHIMA Yoji, TAKAGI Toshio:  Long-time survival of a renal transplant recipient with metastatic mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma: A case report.  In vivo (Athens, Greece)  37 (3) :1394-1398 , 2023.5   DOI:10.21873/invivo.13223
1. 平井敏仁*, 清水朋一, 堀田茂, 福田洋典, 乾政志, 時田大輔, 高木敏男, 石田英樹:  免疫多重染色による移植腎拒絶反応の免疫細胞プロファイリング.  日本臨床腎移植学会雑誌  11 (2) :163-169 , 2023.12
2. 海上耕平, 大木里花子, 井上貴博, 齋藤彩香, 川口祐輝, 清水朋一, 花房規男, 星野純一, 高木敏男, 石田英樹:  腎移植におけるアフェレシスのtargetとはなにか!?.  日本アフェレシス学会雑誌  42 (Supple) :65-65 , 2023.10
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■ Books
1. 海上耕平, 森友実:  人工透析用薬.  治療薬ハンドブック2024  863-873.  じほう,  東京, 日本, 2024.1
2. 海上耕平:  【Ⅷ. 腎移植関連】6 生活習慣病① 移植後貧血.  腎と透析  573-577.  東京医学社,  東京, 日本, 2023.12
3. 石田英樹, 海上耕平, 大木里花子, 神澤太一, 北島和樹, 前之園良一:  [腎].  臓器移植抗体陽性診療ガイドライン2023  1-231.  ぱーそん書房,  東京, 日本, 2023.7
4. 海上耕平, 石井晃太, 大木里花子, 神澤太一, 北島和樹, 関戸恵麗, 永久知佳, 林千裕, 阪野太郎, 古澤美由紀, 別府寛子, 前之園良一, 宮坂嶺, 宮本直志, 尾本和也, 山下倫史, 岡部祥, 越田里美:    女子医大式 腎移植ポケットマニュアル  1-240.  医歯薬出版,  東京, 2023.6
5. 石田英樹:    女子医大式 腎移植ポケットマニュアル  1-240.  医歯薬出版,  東京, 2023.6
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎OKI Rikako: SARS-CoV-2 antibody kinetics after vaccination in kidney transplant recipients: Multicenter study.  18th Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation,  Hong Kong,  2023/08
2. ◎Kobari Yuki, Iizuka Junpei, Nagashima Chika, Minoda Ryo, Unagami Kohei, Yoshida Kazuhiko, Ishida Hideki, Takagi Toshio,: Follow-up survey of candidate renal transplant recipients with prostate cancer diagnosed during the pre-transplant screening test.  18th Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation,  Hong Kong,  2023/08
3. ◎Unagami Kohei: SARS-CoV-2 antibody kinetics after two doses of mRNA vaccination in solid organ transplant recipients: multicenter study.  18th Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation,  Hong Kong,  2023/08
4. ◎ISHIDA Hideki: How to prevent the risk of aHUS and Eculizumab treatment strategy in kidney transplantation.  The International Section of Taiwan Urological Association Conference 2023,  Taipei, TAIWAN,  2023/08
5. ◎Ishii Kota, Hirai Toshihito, Nagahisa Chika, Banno Taro, Yagisawa Takafumi, Unagami Kohei, Kanzawa Taichi, Takagi Toshio, Ishida Hideki: The outcome of kidney transplantation after cancer treatment in the patient with high estimated cure rate.  2023 American Transplant Congress,  San Diego, USA,  2023/06
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