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Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


Assistant Professor:
   TOUGA Sayaka
   MIZUNO Satoko
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. 衛藤 恵美, 今岡 信介, 森 淳一, 若林 秀隆:  回復期リハビリテーション病棟における高齢脳卒中患者の口腔機能と在宅退院の関連.  学会誌JSPEN  4 (1) :10-16 , 2022.2
2. Yoshimura Yoshihiro, Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Nagano Fumihiko, Bise Takahiro, Shimazu Sayuri, Shiraishi Ai, Kido Yoshifumi, Matsumoto Ayaka:  Chair-Stand Exercise Improves Sarcopenia in Rehabilitation Patients after Stroke.  Nutrients  14 (3) :1 , 2022.1   DOI:10.3390/nu14030461
3. Matsumoto Ayaka, Yoshimura Yoshihiro, Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Kose Eiji, Nagano Fumihiko, Bise Takahiro, Kido Yoshifumi, Shimazu Sayuri, Shiraishi Ai:  Deprescribing Leads to Improved Energy Intake among Hospitalized Older Sarcopenic Adults with Polypharmacy after Stroke.  Nutrients  14 (3) :1 , 2022.1   DOI:10.3390/nu14030443
4. MURAKAMI Terumi, SATO takatoshi, ADACHI Michiru, ISHIGURO Kumiko, SHICHIJI Minobu, TACHIMORI Hisateru, NAGATA Satoru, ISHIGAKI KEIKO:  Efficacy of steroid therapy for Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy.  Scientific reports  11 (1) :24229 , 2021.12   DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-03781-z
5. Nakano Yuko, Kagawa Yumiko, Shimoyama Yumiko, Yamagami Tetsushi, Nomura Kohji, Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Sugiyama Yoshifumi, Kobayashi Tetsuya:  Outcome of appendicular or scapular osteosarcoma treated by limb amputation in cats: 67 cases (1997-2018).  Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association  260 (S1) :S24-S28 , 2021.12   DOI:10.2460/javma.21.04.0213
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Review article
1. 若林 秀隆:  TOPICS (第20回)栄養と体重のゴール設定.  食と医療  20 :090-092 , 2022.2
2. 若林 秀隆:  【リハビリテーション栄養の実際】リハビリテーション栄養診療ガイドライン2020updateについて.  Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation  31 (1) :14-18 , 2022.1
3. 若林 秀隆:  【運動耐容能を考える】栄養と運動耐容能.  The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine  59 (1) :40-46 , 2022.1
4. Kakehi Shingo, Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Inuma Hayato, Inose Tomomi, Shioya Moeka, Aoyama Yohei, Hara Taiki, Uchimura Kosuke, Tomita Kazusa, Okamoto Mizuki, Yoshida Masato, Yokota Shohei, Suzuki Hayato:  Rehabilitation Nutrition and Exercise Therapy for Sarcopenia.  The world journal of men's health  40 (1) :1-10 , 2022.1   DOI:10.5534/wjmh.200190
5. Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Keisuke Maeda, Dai Fujiwara, Shinta Nishioka, Ayano Nagano:  Goal setting for nutrition and body weight in rehabilitation nutrition: position paper by the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Nutrition (secondary publication).  Journal of General and Family Medicine  :1-10 , 2021.11   DOI:10.1002/jgf2.509
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Case report
1. Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Kishima Masako, Itoda Masataka:  Improvement of swallowing-related muscle mass assessed by ultrasonography in malnourished patient with Wallenberg syndrome: A case report.  Journal of general and family medicine  22 (6) :341-343 , 2021.11   DOI:10.1002/jgf2.428
1. Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Yoshimura Yoshihiro, Maeda Keisuke, Fujiwara Dai, Nishioka Shinta, Nagano Ayano:  Goal setting for nutrition and body weight in rehabilitation nutrition: position paper by the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Nutrition (secondary publication).  Journal of general and family medicine  23 (2) :77-86 , 2022.3   DOI:10.1002/jgf2.509
2. 若林 秀隆, 西岡 心大, 小蔵 要司, 酒井 友恵, 橋本 ちひろ:  現場発! 管理栄養士のための臨床研究Tips 臨床研究経験が臨床をどう変えたか 臨床研究のすすめ.  臨床栄養  139 (1) :86-98 , 2021.7
3. Matsumoto Noaki, Inuma Hayato, Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Kakehi Shingo:  Comment on high protein intake after subarachnoid hemorrhage improves oral intake and temporal muscle volume.  Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)  40 (8) :4861-4862 , 2021.7   DOI:10.1016/j.clnu.2021.07.010
4. Inoue Tatsuro, Wakabayashi Hidetaka, Iida Yuki, Takahashi Kohei, Miyazaki Shinjiro:  On "Nutrition in Physical Therapist Practice: Tools and Strategies to Act Now." Berner P, Bezner JR, Morris D, Lein DH. Phys Ther. 2021; https://doi.10.1093/ptj/pzab061 and "Nutrition in Physical Therapist Practice: Setting the Stage for Taking Action." Berner P, Bezner JR, Morris D, Lein DH. Phys Ther. 2021;  Physical therapy  :1-3 , 2021.5   DOI:10.1093/ptj/pzab124
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■ Books
1. 蜂須賀研二、和田太:  脊髄疾患.  リハビリテーション医学テキスト  136-164.  南江堂,  東京, 2022.1
2. 畠昌史, 藤野雄次, 松田雅弘, 田屋雅信, 阿部紀之, 星野裕亮, 小泉浩平, 間野政行, 丹治千尋, 神田賢, 小山貴之, 豊田輝, 中丸宏二, 安彦鉄平, 鈴木陽介, 瓦田恵三, 筧慎吾, 二橋亮介, 松嶋真哉, 渡邉陽介, 風間寛子, 小西悠斗, 猪熊正美, 山口裕臣, 佐藤和命, 春山幸志郎, 坂東杏太, 楠本泰士, 國澤洋介, 上村一貴:  運動器障害  部位・疾患別特異的機能障害・QOL  ・関節リウマチ.  PT臨床評価ガイド  406-414.  医学書院,  日本, 2022.1
3. 中道真理子、中村直人、若林秀隆:    リハ薬剤マネジメント  1-304.  南山堂,  東京, 2021.9
4. 和田太:  二分脊椎、ポリオ後症候群.  義肢装具のチェックポイント 第9版  290-295.  医学書院,  東京, 2021.8
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Hidetaka Wakabayashi: Diagnosis and Treatment of Sarcopenic Dysphagia.  The 7TH ASIAN CONFERENCE FOR FRAILTY AND SARCOPENIA,  ソウル,  2021/11
2. Hidetaka Wakabayashi: Dysphagic patients and their association with protein-malnutrition and sarcopenia.  11th ESSD (European Society for Swallowing Disorders) Congress,  オンライン,  2021/11
3. Hidetaka Wakabayashi: Rehabilitation Nutrition in sarcopenia and sarcopenic dysphagia.  The Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Society of Asia 2021,  Bangkok (Online),  2021/10
4. Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Ichiro Fujishima: Sarcopenic dysphagia and rehabilitation nutrition.  2nd World Dysphagia Summit,  Nagoya,  2021/08
5. 若林 秀隆: 高齢者透析患者のリハビリテーション栄養と予後.  第12回日本腎臓リハビリテーション学会学術集会,  岡山,  2022/03
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