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 Department of Anesthesiology
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


   NAGASAKA Yasuko
   KUROKAWA Satoshi
   ICHINOSE Fumito
Associate Professor:
   SASAKAWA Tomoki
Assistant Professor:
   IWADE Motoyo
Assistant Professor:
   YOKOKAWA Sumire
   OONO Kumi
   KOIZUMI Hiroko
   SATOU Keita
   SHIYOUJI Shihoko
   SONE Yoriko
   DOI Kenji

   FURUI Ikue
   MORIWAKI Shiyouta
   YANAKI Masashi
   YAMAGATA Katsuyuki
   YAMAMOTO Suguru
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Case report
1. 小髙 桂子
小森 万希子:  Effective high-frequency spinal cord stimulation for neurosarcoidosis-induced lower back and limb pain: a case report.  Journal of Japan Society of Pain Clinicians  29 (4) :60-63 , 2022.4   DOI:
1. Okano David Ryusuke, Hasegawa Haruko, Okada Hisako, Kawamoto Eichi, Kurokawa Satoshi, Kakogawa Jun, Suzuki Yasuyuki, Camann William, Nagasaka Yasuko:  Valley position for a primary ciliary dyskinesia (Kartagener’s syndrome) parturient to optimize respiratory function during cesarean delivery.  International journal of obstetric anesthesia  :0-0 , 2022.12   DOI:
2. RyuBikei , Yoshikazu Okada , Nobuko Fujita , Yasuko Nagasaka:  A Novel Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Compatible Titanium
Alloy Wire-Reinforced Endotracheal Tube.  Materials.  15 (16) :5632 , 2022.8   DOI:
3. 山本偉, 長坂安子:  周術期腎保護と麻酔.  麻酔  71 (7) :738-747 , 2022.7
4. 後藤俊作, 中川雅史, 長坂安子, 野村実, 野村岳志:  手術室外での緊急気道確保「その時、あなたは、動く?」
ー麻酔科医へのアンケート調査からー.  日本臨床麻酔学会誌  42 (3) :286-291 , 2022.5
5. Goto Shunsaku, Grange Robert M H, Pinciroli Riccardo, Rosales Ivy A, Li Rebecca, Boerboom Sophie L, Ostrom Katrina F, Marutani Eizo, Wanderley Hatus V, Bagchi Aranya, Colvin Robert B, Berra Lorenzo, Minaeva Olga, Goldstein Lee E, Malhotra Rajeev, Zapol Warren M, Ichinose Fumito, Yu Binglan:  Electronic cigarette vaping with aged coils causes acute lung injury in mice.  Archives of toxicology  : , 2022.10   DOI:10.1007/s00204-022-03388-x
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■ Books
1. 中澤圭介:    区域麻酔厳選100問  1-240.  メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル,  東京, 2023.2
2. 萩原將太郎, 水主川純, 長坂安子, 山本偉:  周術期の凝固管理.  イラスト図解で納得!臨床力UP!血算・凝固に強くなる実践レクチャー  164-171.  株式会社金芳堂,  日本, 2022.4
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎Nakazawa Keisuke: SAM: Systolic Anterior Motion. Understanding of Basic Anatomy, Diagnosis, and Stepwise Approach.  ASCA2022,  Thailand,  2022/12
2. ◎Nakazawa Keisuke: Tricuspid Valve: Atrial functional TR.  ASCA2022,  Thailand,  2022/12
3. ◎Nakazawa Keisuke: Regional Anesthesia for cardiac surgery 〜past, present, and future 〜.  ASCA2022,  Thailand,  2022/12
4. ◎Nakazawa Keisuke: Erector spinae plane block, PECS, Serratus plane block.  4th International EDRA Approved Cadaver Workshop for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia,  Bangkok,  2022/11
5. ◎Nakazawa Keisuke: Applied anatomy and fascial plane blocks for thoracic surgery.  4th International EDRA approved Cadaver Workshop for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia,  Bangkok,  2022/11
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