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 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


Assistant Professor:
   IWAKURA Nahoko
   YANO Kouichirou
Assistant Professor:
   OHTSURU Tadahiko
   ITOU Jiyun'ya
   ITOU Masafumi
   INOUE Tomohisa
   EDASHIGE Kouyou
   ODA Taketoshi
   KURAMITSU Yuujirou
   KOKUBUN Masamichi
   SATOU Osamu

   SHIBA Masahiro
   SUGAYA Jiyun
   TERAYAMA Yasushi
   NARUO Munehiro
   MADARAME Hiromi
   MARUKI Chiyomi

   YAMADA Akifumi
   YOSHINO Tomoharu
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. ITOU Junya, KUWASHIMA Umito, ITOU Masafumi, OKAZAKI Ken:  Perioperative varus alignment does not affect short-term patient-reported outcome measures following mobile-bearing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.  Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research  17 (1) :98 , 2022.2   DOI:10.1186/s13018-022-02999-5
2. Mochizuki Takeshi, Yano Koichiro, Ikari Katsunori, Okazaki Ken:  Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on body composition among patients with rheumatoid arthritis.  Modern rheumatology  32 (2) :452-454 , 2022.2   DOI:10.1093/mr/roab018
3. Inoue Tomohisa, Wada Keiji, Tominaga Ayako, Tamaki Ryo, Hirota Tomoya, Okazaki Ken:  O-Arm Assisted Cervicothoracic Spine Pedicle Screw Placement Accuracy Is Higher Than C-Arm Fluoroscopy.  World neurosurgery  158 :e996-e1001 , 2022.2   DOI:10.1016/j.wneu.2021.12.006
4. Tominaga Ayako, Wada Keiji*, Kato Yoshiharu, Okazaki Ken, Nishi Hideharu, Terayama Yasushi, Kodama Yasuteru:  Effect of the duration of previous osteoporosis treatment on the effect of romosozumab treatment.  Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA  33 (6) :1265-1273 , 2022.1   DOI:10.1007/s00198-021-06261-2
5. Honda Suguru, Ikari Katsunori, Yano Koichiro, Terao Chikashi, Tanaka Eiichi, Harigai Masayoshi, Kochi Yuta:  Polygenic risk scores are associated with radiographic progression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.  Arthritis Rheumatol.  Epub ahead of print. :- , 2022.1   DOI:10.1002/art.42051
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Review article
1. TOMINAGA Ayako, WADA Keiji, OKAZAKI Ken, NISHI Hideharu, TERAYAMA Yasushi, KATO Yoshiharu:  Response to Letter. "Romosozumab and cardiovascular safety- should we learn lessons from Pioglitazone?.".  Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA  :epub , 2022.2   DOI:10.1007/s00198-022-06300-6
Case report
1. 伊藤 富良野, 宗像 裕太郎, 薄井 豊, 倉光 祐二郎, 岡崎 賢:  人工股関節全置換術後の腸腰筋腱炎に対し腱切離術を施行後に反復脱臼となった1例.  Hip Joint  47 (2) :653-656 , 2021.8
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■ Books
1. 伊藤匡史, 岡崎賢:  Ⅱ脛骨の骨切り術. 逆V字型高位脛骨骨切り術.  膝周囲骨切り術のすべて  108-110.  Medical View社,  日本, 2021.10
2. 岡崎賢, 伊藤匡史, 桑島海人, 伊藤淳哉:  骨切り術の適応.  膝周囲骨切り術のすべて  2.  メジカルビュー社,  東京, 2021.10
3. 岡崎賢, 松田秀一, 三浦裕正, 津村弘:    膝関節外科学  114.  南江堂,  東京, 2021.8
4. 岡崎賢, 松田秀一:    TKA UKA 人工膝関節置換術パーフェクト  10.  羊土社,  東京, 2021.6
5. 伊藤匡史, 岡崎賢:  Ⅱ各論. 1外傷・障害. D骨折. 1)膝蓋骨骨折.  膝関節外科学  247-251.  南江堂,  日本, 2021.6
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. Tominaga Ayako, Kato Yoshiharu, Wada Keiji, Okazaki Ken: Effect of the duration of previous osteoporosis treatment on the effect of romosozumab treatment.  American Society for Bone and Mineral Research,  米国,  2021/10
2. 大鶴任彦, 前川祐志, 尾辻正樹, 保田真吾, 岡崎賢: 変形性膝関節症に対するPFC-FD療法-SYNAPSE VINCENTを用いた関節軟骨評価-.  第21回日本再生医療学会総会,  WEB開催,  2022/03
3. ◎宗像裕太郎, 薄井豊, 倉光祐二郎, 岡崎賢: 第4世代セラミック対セラミック摺動面を使用した人工股関節全置換術の中期成績.  第52回日本人工関節学会,  京都,  2022/02
4. 伊藤匡史, 桑島海人, 伊藤淳哉, 岡崎賢: 傾向スコアマッチングを用いたKLグレード3,4に対するTKAとHTOの臨床成績の比較.  第52回 日本人工関節学会,  京都,  2022/02
5. 伊藤匡史, 桑島海人, 伊藤淳哉, 岡崎賢: 内側 UKA と内側開大式高位脛骨骨切り術の joint awareness の比較.  第52回 日本人工関節学会,  京都,  2022/02
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