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 Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Respiratory Medicine
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Books Academic conference presentation


   KATSURA Hideki
Assistant Professor:
   YAGI Osamitsu
Assistant Professor:
   AKABA Tomohiro
   TSUJI Mayoko
   NAGAI Tomohito
   NISHIMURA Kazuyuki
   HANAWA Tomohide
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Orimo Keisuke, Tamari Masato, Takeda Tomohiro, Kubo Terufumi, Rückert Beate, Motomura Kenichiro, Sugiyama Hiroki, Yamada Ayako, Saito Kyoko, Arae Ken, Kuriyama Motohiro, Hara Mariko, Soyka Michael B, Ikutani Masashi, Yamaguchi Sota, Morimoto Noriko, Nakabayashi Kazuhiko, Hata Kenichiro, Matsuda Akio, Akdis Cezmi A, Sudo Katsuko, Saito Hirohisa, Nakae Susumu, Tamaoki Jun, Tagaya Etsuko, Matsumoto Kenji, Morita Hideaki:  Direct platelet adhesion potentiates group 2 innate lymphoid cell functions.  Allergy  77 (3) :843-855 , 2022.3   DOI:10.1111/all.15057
2. Kobayashi Konomi, Nagase Hiroyuki, Sugimoto Naoya, Yamamoto Shiho, Tanaka Akihiko, Fukunaga Koichi, Atsuta Ryo, Tagaya Etsuko, Hojo Masayuki, Gon Yasuhiro,:  Mepolizumab decreased the levels of serum galectin-10 and eosinophil cationic protein in asthma.  Asia Pacific allergy  11 (3) :e31 , 2021.7   DOI:10.5415/apallergy.2021.11.e31
3. AKABA Tomohiro, KONDO Mitsuko, MURAMATSU Soshi, ABE Kazuhiro, KOBAYASHI Fumi, MIYOSHI Azusa, YAGI Osamitsu, TAKEYAMA Kiyoshi, TAGAYA Etsuko:  Clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of severe asthma patients with a history of multiple biologic drugs use.  Asian Pacific journal of allergy and immunology  :1-7 , 2021.7   DOI:10.12932/AP-170221-1070
4. Kurokawa Atsushi, Kondo Mitsuko, Orimo Mami, Honda Nahoko, Miyoshi Azusa, Akaba Tomohiro, Tsuji Mayoko, Nakatani Kaname, Ikejiri Makoto, Yagi Osamitsu, Takeyama Kiyoshi, Takeuchi Kazuhiko, Tagaya Etsuko:  Multifaceted analysis of Japanese cases of primary ciliary dyskinesia: Value of immunofluorescence for ciliary protein detection in patients with DNAH5 and DNAH11 mutations.  Respiratory investigation  59 (4) :550-554 , 2021.7   DOI:10.1016/j.resinv.2021.01.001
5. Akaba Tomohiro, Kondo Mitsuko, Kobayashi Fumi, Honda Nahoko, Muramatsu Soshi, Yagi Osamitsu, Takeyama Kiyoshi, Seo Yukako, Nonaka Manabu, Tagaya Etsuko:  Characteristics of patients with severe asthma who experienced treatment failure with omalizumab.  Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics  68 :102032 , 2021.6   DOI:10.1016/j.pupt.2021.102032
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Review article
1. 多賀谷 悦子:  新規生物学的製剤 抗TSLP抗体.  呼吸器内科  41 (1) :61-66 , 2022.1
2. 桂 秀樹:  終末期医療と緩和ケア.  呼吸器内科  39 (2) :130-135 , 2021
Case report
1. MISUMI Yoshitugu, NITTA Hiroki, NONAKA Kouichi, KAWANA Masatoshi, ARIMURA Ken, TOKUSHIGE Katsutoshi, TANABE KAZUNARI:  Emergency upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed safely in a patient with COVID-19 with suspected hemorrhagic shock.  DEN open  1 (1) :e2 , 2021.4   DOI:10.1002/deo2.2
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■ Books
1. 桂 秀樹:  Ⅱ 呼吸不全、換気異常 1. 呼吸不全 (8) 肺胞ー毛細管ブロック症候群.  別冊日本臨床 領域別症候群シリーズ No.17 呼吸器症候群(第3版)  225-227.  日本臨床社,  日本, 2021.8
2. 桂 秀樹:    非がん性呼吸器疾患緩和ケア指針2021  1-180.  メディカルレビュー社,  日本, 2021.4
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎AKABA Tomohiro, KONDO Mitsuko, ABE Kazuhiro, HONDA Nahoko, KUROKAWA Atsushi, YAGI Osamitsu, KATSURA Hideki, TAGAYA Etsuko: Combination of Tryptase and IL-33 in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid May Predict the Types of Eosinophilic Pneumonia and Disease Recurrence.  The 25th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology,  Kyoto, Japan,  2021/11
2. ◎TAGAYA Etsuko: Pharmacological management with LAMA in asthma patients.  The 25th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology,  Kyoto, Japan,  2021/11
3. ◎ABE Kazuhiro, TSUJI Mayoko, SHISHIME Osamu, KONDO Mitsuko, ICHIBA Shingo, TAGAYA Etsuko: Successful case of non-HIV pneumocystis pneumonia treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).  The 25th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology,  Kyoto, Japan,  2021/11
4. ◎KUROKAWA Atsushi, KONDO Mitsuko, HONDA Nahoko, ORIMO Mami, MIYOSHI Azusa, KOBAYASHI Fumi, ABE Kazuhiro, AKABA Tomohiro, TSUJI Mayoko, ARIMURA Ken, YAGI Osamitsu, TAKEYAMA Kiyoshi, TAGAYA Etsuko: Application of conditional reprogramming culture to analyze Japanese primary ciliary dyskinesia.  The 25th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology,  Kyoto, Japan,  2021/11
5. ◎TSUJI Mayoko, ONIZAWA Fumi, HONDA Nahoko, SHISHIME Osamu, MURAMATSU Soshi, YAGI Osamitsu, KONDO Mitsuko, TAGAYA Etsuko: A Case of Lung Intravascular Large B Cell Lymphoma Developed with Acute Respiratory Failure: Usefulness of Corticosteroid Rescue Prior to Define Diagnosis.  The 25th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology,  Kyoto, Japan,  2021/11
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