    (Last updated : 2024-04-30 13:56:18)
  Nagashima, Yoji
   Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine  
   Position   Professor and Division head
■ Books
1. Chapter contribution  Pathology of Renal Cell Carcinoma, Renal Cell Carcinoma-Molecular Features and Treatment Updates 2017/03 Link
■ Published papers
1. Review article  Pathological diagnosis of renal tumors: up to date 2014/06
2. Original article  Druggable targets in pediatric neurocutaneous melanocytosis: Molecular and drug sensitivity studies in xenograft and ex vivo tumor cell culture to identify agents for therapy. 2014/11
3. Original article  Colorectal laterally spreading tumors show characteristic expression of cell polarity factors, including atypical protein kinase C λ/ι, E-cadherin, β-catenin and basement membrane component. 2014/09
4. Review article  Solitary fibrous tumor of the kidney with focus on clinical and pathobiological aspects. 2014/05
5. Review article  Renal angiomyolipoma: a radiological classification and update on recent developments in diagnosis and management. 2014/06
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. A Case of sarcomatoid mesothelioma of the peritoneum  2014/11/01
2. The anionic pulmonary surfactant phospholipid POPG inhibits pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus infection in vitro and in vivo in mice.  2014/01
3. Renal cell carcinoma associated with Xp11.2 translocation/TFE3 gene fusion (Xp11.2 RCC). A clinicopathological study of 10 Japanese cases.  2023/04/21
4. Results of comprehensive genomic profiling tests for pancreaticobiliary cancer at our university’s hospital  2023/03/18
5. DNA hypomethylator phenotype remodels glutamate metabolism in glioblastoma  2022/09/29
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■ Research grants & projects
1. 2014/04~2017/03  Role of aPKCλ/ι-IL6 pathway in cancer development and progression  (Key Word : aPKCλ/ι, IL6)
■ Research areas
Human pathology, Experimental pathology, Urology (Key Word:Oncologic Pathology, Diagnostic Pathology, Tumor Cell Bilogy, Medical Education) 
■ Awards & honors
1. 1999/01 Yokohama City University Medical Society Yokohama City University Medical Society Award Link
■ Academic society memberships
1. 2011/04~ Inernational Society of Urological Pathology
2. 2000/04 American Association for Cancer Research
3. 1994/10~ International Academy of Pathology
4. 2016/01~ ∟ Cancer Science Assocate Editor
■ Education
1. 1985/04~1989/03 〔Doctoral course〕 2nd Department of Pathology, Graduate School, Division of Medicine, Yokohama City University, Completed,
2. 1979/04~1985/03 Faculty of Medicine, Yokohama City University, Graduated,
■ Academic & professional experience
1. 2005/04~2014/04 Associate Professor
2. 2003/04~2005/03 Associate Professor
3. 1999/04~2003/03 Associate Professor
4. 1993/10~1999/03 Lecturer
5. 1990/04~1993/09 Research Assistant
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■ Rsearch funding number