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2023/04 |
日本医学放射線学会Cypos賞(Silver medal) (AR Puncture: 拡張現実を用いたスマートフォン用の穿刺ガイドアプリ)
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2022/11 |
108th Scientific Assembly Annual Meeting Radiological Society of North America 2022. RSNA2022 Certificate of Merit Award (Recent Development of Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality for Needle Guidance)
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2019/10 |
第508回 2019年10月 テーマ別講演 東京アンギオ・IVR会 年間最優秀賞 (副腎静脈サンプリング(AVS):ストレス軽減のための工夫)
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2018/09 |
CIRSE2018 CIRSE2018 Certificate of merit (Image fusion guidance with pre-procedural CT with real-time fluoroscopy for adrenal venous sampling)
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2018/05 |
JSIR&ISIR2018 JSIR&ISIR2018 Featured poster (Safety of embolization of pseudoaneurysms after partial nephrectomy: review of 52 cases)
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2007/09 |
日本磁気共鳴医学会 第35会日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 最優秀大会長賞 (下大静脈拍動に伴う総胆管の前後運動によるartifact)
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2007/05 |
ISMRM ISMRM2007 Poster award (body, 3rd) (Portal vein suppresion with centric k-space ordering on three-dimensional segmented true fast imaging with steady-state precession magnetic resonance imaging)