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概要 当該年度の研究費受入状況 学術雑誌
著書 学会発表

   柴田 亮行
   澤田 達男
   加藤 陽一郎
   新井田 素子
   宮川 敦子
   猪瀬 悠理
■ 概要


                                                     文責 主任教授 柴田亮行
■ 当該年度の研究費受入状況
1.  文部科学省私立大学戦略的研究基盤形成支援事業  (研究課題番号:S1201009)
 研究課題:高次神経機能障害の発症メカニズムの解明と新規治療法の開発  (研究分担者:柴田亮行)
 研究補助金:500,000円  (分担)
2.  新潟大学脳研究所連携資源利用型共同研究費  (研究課題番号:2514)
 研究課題:酸化ストレスによる神経細胞機能の障害と細胞死に関する研究  (研究代表者:柴田亮行)
 研究補助金:24,000円  (代表)
■ 当該年度研究業績数一覧表
学術雑誌 著書 学会発表 その他
和文英文 和文英文 国内国際
筆 頭Corresponding
共 著筆 頭Corresponding
共 著 筆 頭共 著筆 頭共 著 演 者共 演演 者共 演 演 者共 演
 0 0 2 1 0 16  0 1 0 1  7 16  6 7  2 1
■ 学術雑誌
1. KUBOKI Yuko, SHIMIZU Kyoko, HATORI Takashi, YAMAMOTO Masakazu, SHIBATA Noriyuki, SHIRATORI Keiko, FURUKAWA Toru*:  Molecular biomarkers for progression of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas.  Pancreas  44 (2) :227-235 , 2015.3   DOI:10.1097/MPA.0000000000000253
2. FURUKAWA Toru*, SAKAMOTO Hitomi, TAKEUCHI Shoko, AMERI Mitra, KUBOKI Yuko, YAMAMOTO Toshiyuki, HATORI Takashi, YAMAMOTO Masakazu, SUGIYAMA Masanori, OHIKE Noriyuki, YAMAGUCHI Hiroshi, SHIMIZU Michio, SHIBATA Noriyuki, SHIMIZU Kyoko, SHIRATORI Keiko:  Whole exome sequencing reveals recurrent mutations in BRCA2 and FAT genes in acinar cell carcinomas of the pancreas.  Scientific Reports  5 :8829 , 2015.3   DOI:10.1038/srep08829
3. SAKAMOTO HITOMI, KUBOKI YUKO, HATORI TAKASHI, YAMAMOTO MASAKAZU, SUGIYAMA MASANORI, SHIBATA Noriyuki, SHIMIZU KYOKO, SHIRATORI KEIKO, FURUKAWA TORU*:  Clinicopathological significance of somatic RNF43 mutation and aberrant expression of ring finger protein 43 in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas.  Modern Pathology  28 (2) :261-267 , 2015.2   DOI:10.1038/modpathol.2014.98
4. Horita A, Kurata A*, Ohno S, Shimoyamada H, Saito I, Kamma H, Kuroda M:  Immaturity of smooth muscle cells in the neointima is associated with acute coronary syndrome.  Cardiovascular pathology : the official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology  24 (1) :26-32 , 2015.1   DOI:10.1016/j.carpath.2014.09.003
5. Inose Yuri, Kato Yoichiro, Kitagawa Kazuo, Uchiyama Shinichiro, Shibata Noriyuki:  Activated microglia in ischemic stroke penumbra upregulate MCP-1 and CCR2 expression in response to lysophosphatidylcholine derived from adjacent neurons and astrocytes.  Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology  :25443158 , 2014.12   DOI:10.111/neup.12182
1. Tomoko Yamamoto, Hiroi Atsuko, Osawa Makiko, Shibata Noriyuki:  The Muscular Dystrophies Associated with Central Nervous System Lesions: A Brief Review from a Standpoint of the Localization and Function of Causative Genes.  Current Pediatric Reviews  10 (4) :282-291 , 2014.10
2. 渡部和彦:  株化シュワン細胞を用いた末梢神経変性・再生機構の解析.  末梢神経  25 :214-218 , 2014
3. Sango K, Kato K, Tsukammoto M, Niimi N, Utsunomiya K, Watabe K:  Physiological and pathological roles of aldose reductase in Schwann cells.  Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine  8 (S1) :12 , 2014
1. Nakaya T, Morita K, Kurata A, Ushiku T, Igarashi T, Kuroda M, Fukayama M:  Multifocal kaposiform hemangioendothelioma in multiple visceral organs: an autopsy of 9-day-old female baby.  Human pathology  45 (8) :1773-7 , 2014.8   DOI:10.1016/j.humpath.2014.03.019
2. 並木みずほ, 諸井隆一, 原田知幸, 廣井敦子, 澤田達男, 柴田亮行, 矢口有乃:  意識障害にて救急搬送され診断に難渋した胃癌の転移による癌性髄膜炎の一剖検例.  日本救命医療学会雑誌  28 :109-115 , 2014
■ 著書
1. 倉田厚, 北川昌伸, 仁木利郎編:  第7章 循環障害.  標準病理学第5版  173-208.  医学書院,  東京, 2015.3
2. Sabgo K, Tsukamoto M, Utsunomiya K, Watabe K:  Spontaneously immortalized adult rodent Schwann cells as valuable tools for the study of peripheral nerve degeneration and regeneration.  Schwann cell development and pathology(Sango K, Yamauchi J eds)  147-170.  Springer,  Tokyo, 2014
■ 学会発表
1. ◎Inose Yuri, Shibata Noriyuki, Niida Motoko, Kakita Akiyoshi: Upregulation of glutamminase in microglia of spinal cords from sporadic ALS patients.  The 25th International Symposium on ALS/MND,  Brussels,Belgium,  2014/12
2. ◎Shibata Noriyuki, Niida-Kawaguchi Motoko, Inose Yuri, Muramatsu Fumiaki, Kato Yoichiro, Yamamoto Tomoko, Sawada Tatsuo: Glutamate stimulates motor neurons to form intracellular p-TDP-43 aggregates.  The 25th International Symposium on ALS/MND,  Brussels,Belgium,  2014/12
3. ◎Sawada Tatsuo: Neovascularization of brain tumor and targeting therapy for neovasculature.  the 3rd Congress of Asian Society of Neurophathology,  Seoul,  2014/11
4. FURUKAWA T, AMERI M, SAKAMOTO H, KUBOKI Y, HATORI T, YAMAMOTO M, SUGIYAMA M, OHIKE N, YAMAGUCHI H, SIMIZU M, SHIBATA N, SHIIZU K, SHIRATORI K: Whole Exome Sequencing Uncovered Unexpected Recurrent Mutations in BRCA2 and FAT in Pancreatic Acinar Cell Carcinoma.  45th Anniversary Meeting of American Pancreatic Association and Japan Pancreas Society,  KONA, HI,  2014/11
5. ◎Watabe K: Schwann cell biology and pathology.  Brain Conference 2014, the Joint Conference of Congress of Asian Society of Neuropathology, Korean Society for Brain and Neural Science, and Korean Society for Neurodegenerative Diseases,  Seoul, Korea,  2014/11
  :Corresponding Author