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 Department of Biochemistry
Summary Research grants & projects Published papers
Academic conference presentation


   Fumio Nakamura
Assistant Professor:
   越野 一朗
Assistant Professor:
   ARASHIKI Nobuto
   Tanaka Shotaro
■ Summary
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■ Research grants & projects
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■ Research works
Journal Book Presentation Other presentations
JapaneseEnglish JapaneseEnglish Domesticinternational
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■ Published papers
Original article
1. Masukawa Daiki, Koga Motokazu, Sezaki Anna, Nakao Yuka, Kamikubo Yuji, Hashimoto Tatsuo, Okuyama-Oki Yuki, Aladeokin Aderemi Caleb, Nakamura Fumio, Yokoyama Utako, Wakui Hiromichi, Ichinose Hiroshi, Sakurai Takashi, Umemura Satoshi, Tamura Koichi, Ishikawa Yoshihiro, Goshima Yoshio*:  L-DOPA sensitizes vasomotor tone by modulating the vascular alpha1-adrenergic receptor.  JCI insight  2 (18) :e90903 , 2017.9   DOI:10.1172/jci.insight.90903
2. Niwa S, Nakamura F, Tomabechi Y, Aoki M, Shigematsu H, Matsumoto T, Yamagata A, Fukai S, Hirokawa N, Goshima Y, Shirouzu M, Nitta R*.:  Structural basis for CRMP2-induced axonal microtubule formation.  Scientific Reports  6 (7) :10681 , 2017.9   DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-11031-4.
3. 伊藤実紀子、新敷信人、高桑雄一*:  保存赤血球における ATP 濃度とホスファチジルセリン表在化赤血球率の検討.  膜  42 (4) :153-157 , 2017.8   DOI:
4. Nakamura F*, Okada T, Shishikura M, Uetani N, Taniguchi M, Yagi T, Iwakura Y, Ohshima T, Goshima Y, Strittmatter SM*.:  Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase δ Mediates the Sema3A-Induced Cortical Basal Dendritic Arborization through the Activation of Fyn Tyrosine Kinase.  Journal of Neuroscience  37 (30) :7125-7139 , 2017.7   DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2519-16.2017.
5. Tobe BTD, Crain AM, Winquist AM, Calabrese B, Makihara H, Zhao WN, Lalonde J, Nakamura H, Konopaske G, Sidor M, Pernia CD, Yamashita N, Wada M, Inoue Y, Nakamura F, Sheridan SD, Logan RW, Brandel M, Wu D, Hunsberger J, Dorsett L, Duerr C, Basa RCB, McCarthy MJ, Udeshi ND, Mertins P, Carr SA, Rouleau GA, Mastrangelo L, Li J, Gutierrez GJ, Brill LM, Venizelos N, Chen G, Nye JS, Manji H, Price JH, McClung CA, Akiskal HS, Alda M, Chuang DM, Coyle JT, Liu Y, Teng YD, Ohshima T, Mikoshiba K, Sidman RL, Halpain S, Haggarty SJ, Goshima Y, Snyder EY*.:  Probing the lithium-response pathway in hiPSCs implicates the phosphoregulatory set-point for a cytoskeletal modulator in bipolar pathogenesis.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  114 (22) :E4462-E4471 , 2017.5   DOI:10.1073/pnas.1700111114.
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Review article
1. Arashiki Nobuto, Takakuwa Yuichi:  Maintenance and regulation of asymmetric phospholipid distribution in human erythrocyte membranes: implications for erythrocyte functions.  Current opinion in hematology  24 (3) :167-172 , 2017.5   DOI:10.1097/MOH.0000000000000326
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. ◎田中正太郎, 中村史雄: スフェロイド内細胞の構造解析・評価法の開発.  シンポジウム「細胞アッセイ技術の現状と将来」,  茨城県つくば市アステラス製薬株式会社筑波研究センター,  2018/01
2. Arashiki Nobuto, Nakamura Fumio: Mechanistic insight into impairment of the flippase activity in Thr418Asn mutant of ATP11C.  第90回日本生化学会日本分子生物学会合同大会,  神戸、日本,  2017/12
3. 河嶌岳, 五嶋良郎, 中村史雄: Fyn による CRMP1 Tyr504のリン酸化は Semaphorin 3A 情報伝達に関与する.  第90回 日本生化学会大会,  神戸、日本,  2017/12
4. ◎田中正太郎, 中村史雄: マスト細胞分泌顆粒の積荷タンパク質に基づく分類と分取.  第90回日本生化学会大会,  神戸市神戸ポートアイランド,  2017/12
5. ◎田中正太郎, 中村史雄: 生きたスフェロイド内細胞のあるがままの形と分布を計測する.  第69回日本生物工学会大会,  東京都新宿区 早稲田大学,  2017/09
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