Department   School of Medicine(Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital), School of Medicine
言語種別 日本語
発表タイトル Development of Autofocus Surgical Microscope for Neurosurgery
with Fluorescence Spectra Measurement
学会区分 全国規模の学会
発表形式 口頭
発表年月日 2008/10/31
学会抄録 日本コンピュータ外科学会誌 10(3),297-298 2008
概要 Abstract: It is important to remove tumor accurately in neurosurgery, such as the resection of malignant glioma. However, gross total
removal is difficult for glioma extending eloquent area to preserve important brain function. 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (5-ALA)
accumulates on tumors and metabolizes to ProtoporphyrinlX (PpIX), which is a fluorescent substance. Intra-operative detection of
5-ALA-induced PpIX fluorescence provides useful information for tumor detection. In this study, we developed an automatically
focusing surgical microscope system with a guide laser measurement. The system is connected with a fluorescence spectra
measurement device, which can detect the fluorescence in tumor detection. We performed a set of experiments for evaluation of the
autofocus device and measurement of the fluorescence spectra. Experimental Results showed that the accuracy of autofocus largely
depends on the scattering of the guide laser and the condition of the brain surface. Our future works include the improvement of the
accuracy of autofocus device and installation of tumor evaporation ablation laser to the microscope system.