Shinako Masuda
   Department   School of Medicine, School of Medicine
   Position   Assistant Professor
Article types Original article
Language English
Peer review Peer reviewed
Title Heart-derived fibroblasts express LYPD-1 and negatively regulate angiogenesis in rat
Journal Formal name:Regenerative Therapy
Abbreviation:Regen Ther
ISSN code:23523204
Domestic / ForeginForegin
Publisher Science Direct
Volume, Issue, Page 15,pp.27-33
Author and coauthor SAKAMOTO Satoru†, MATSUURA Katsuhisa*, MASUDA Shinako, HAGIWARA Nobuhisa, SHIMIZU Tatsuya
Publication date 2020/12
Summary Abstract
Angiogenesis is regulated by a balance between promoting and inhibitory mechanisms. Although angiogenesis-promoting mechanisms have been well studied in ischemic heart diseases, angiogenesis-inhibitory mechanisms have not. Recently, we identified LYPD-1 as a novel anti-angiogenic factor derived from human heart-derived fibroblasts, which suppresses endothelial cell network formation in co-culture. However, it remains unclear whether the low angiogenicity of heart-derived fibroblasts with high expression of LYPD-1 is also observed in other mammalian species, and the properties of LYPD-1 under normal and pathological conditions remain elusive. Fibroblasts isolated from neonatal and adult rat heart also express LYPD-1 and inhibit endothelial network formation in co-culture. Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that LYPD-1 was predominantly observed in the interstitial tissues of rat heart and LYPD1 expression levels were identical from late developmental period to adult. Conversely, LYPD-1 mRNA expression was significantly downregulated temporally in myocardial infarction model rats, suggesting that angiogenesis-inhibitory mechanisms might not be sufficiently suppressed to promote angiogenesis in ischemic heart diseases. These findings suggest that heart has relatively low angiogenicity compared with other organs via the high expression of LYPD-1 by fibroblasts. Moreover, understanding the regulatory mechanisms of LYPD-1-mediated inhibition of angiogenesis might lead a novel angiogenic therapy for ischemic heart diseases and contribute to development of bioengineered cardiac tissue.
DOI 10.1016/j.reth.2020.03.010
PMID 32514414